The Importance of Hydrochloric acid (HCL) in the Stomach

HCL is the most important fluid inside our body and without this acid in the stomach

Dr. Eric Berg DC

HCL is the most important fluid inside our body and without this acid in the stomach, our body will have a lot of problems.

In this video, Dr. Berg talks about the importance of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. He also explained what is hydrochloric acid and how to build hydrochloric acid inside our stomach. HCL is the most important fluid inside our body and without this acid in the stomach, our body will have a lot of problems. The stomach acid needs to be very strong (acidic) preferably in the range of 1-3. If the stomach is less acidic it will not release pepsin (which is an enzyme for chemical reactions and is responsible for the breakdown of proteins). 3 Major Health Benefits of Hydrochloric Acid 1. To help breakdown proteins 2. Absorb minerals 3. Kill microbes Junk food, stress, antiacids, diarrhea, and vomiting can cause low stomach acid. And as we age, we lose our stomach acids, in fact, by age 70, we have only 25% of our stomach acids left. Low Stomach Acids Can Trigger: • Gas • Indigestion • Bloating • Iron deficiency (anemia) • Soft tissue calcium build-up • Low B12 • Constipation • Red cheeks • SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth) • Leaky Gut FREE COURSE➜ ➜… Talk to a Product Advisor to find the best product for you! Call 1-540-299-1556 with your questions about Dr. Berg’s products. Product Advisors are available Monday through Friday 8am-6pm and Saturday 9am-5pm EST.

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Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio: Dr. Berg, 56 years of age is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of The New Body Type Guide and other books published by KB Publishing. He has taught students nutrition as an adjunct professor at Howard University. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media. Follow us on FACEBOOK: ABOUT DR. BERG: Disclaimer: Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. #keto#ketodiet#weightloss#ketosis


0:01hey guys Dr Burke here in this video

0:03we’re going to talk about the importance

0:05of hydrochloric acid or stomach acid

0:09your stomach acid is probably one of the

0:10most important fluids in your entire

0:14body because the Cascade of negative

0:16effects that occur without this acid are

0:19huge let’s go through each one of them

0:22so normally in your stomach you need a

0:24very very strong acid that means a low

0:26PH so 1 to three so it goes on a scale

0:30from 1 to 14 so 1 to three is very very

0:33acid so we need a very very strong

0:35acidic stomach and that’s why when

0:37people say oh yeah um our bodies are

0:39supposed to be alkaline well what about

0:41the stomach they’re probably talking

0:43about the blood but your stomach needs

0:45to be very very acid now here’s the

0:46thing as you age you’re you lose your

0:50stomach acid okay and when you lose your

0:52stomach acid a lot of things happen in a

0:56negative way um let’s just take one

0:58thing if the stomach is not acidic you

1:01will not release the main enzyme called

1:05pepsin now what is pepsin and what is an

1:07enzyme an enzyme is something called a

1:10catalyst or a thing that helps speat up

1:13a chemical reaction in the body it helps

1:15either break things down or builds

1:17something back up so what’s interesting

1:21about enzymes is is they basically don’t

1:23necessarily get used up after they do

1:25the work they’re kind of like a

1:27self-propelling energy that does all all

1:30the work but doesn’t use up its energy

1:32it’s it’s pretty wild it’s but it speeds

1:34up the chemical reaction so pepsin is a

1:37main catalyst or enzyme that breaks down

1:40protein okay so that’s what it does but

1:42it takes a pH between 1 two and up to

1:46three to release this enzyme so if

1:49you’re not releasing this enzyme you

1:50can’t break down protein one of the most

1:52uh common symptoms would be intestinal

1:54gas that’s when we know we’re not

1:57getting this release of this pepsin okay

1:59okay you’re also going to get bloating

2:01and other things but um what happens too

2:04is that valve on top of the stomach is

2:07controlled by the pH so the valve won’t

2:09necessarily close if the pH is not

2:11strong so that’s called uh acid reflx

2:15you know um or a gird that’s basically

2:17because your stomach is not acid enough

2:19what’s really ironic is the way they

2:21treat it is they give you an anti- acid

2:24so you’re going to feel better but then

2:25you’re going to feel worse because

2:27you’re taking the acid out of the system

2:29system what they should do is put more

2:31acid in there to fix it but they don’t

2:33really do that one of the challenges

2:35with having um this valve not closed

2:39tightly is that the enzyme splashes up

2:43into not just the acid but the enzyme

2:45can go right up all the way up your

2:46esophagus up into your your larynx and

2:49your vocal cords and that can create

2:51chronic coughing it can create chronic

2:55um horseness it can create um like that

2:59little lump in in your throat a chronic

3:01cough irritation uh asthma that’s

3:05because this enzyme is going right up in

3:08here and the main reason is because this

3:09is not acid enough so then it leaks up

3:11into the esophagus so that’s one symptom

3:15um the three main purposes of the acid

3:17are number one to uh help break down

3:19proteins uh number two absorb minerals

3:23and number three kill off microbes so

3:25like if you see like a dog for example

3:27eat um like use like eat raw meat you

3:30know there’s microbes and bacteria in

3:32there a dog has a really strong stomach

3:33acid and so that acid is just going to

3:35kill all that bacteria well we also have

3:38the acid in there to kill microbes as

3:39well in case there’s so we cannot have

3:41any extra invading microbes come through

3:43the stomach so it’s if we don’t have

3:46enough acid we get a bacterial

3:47overgrowth so you might have um extra

3:51you know bacteria that shouldn’t be

3:53there um and you can get leaky gut

3:55because undigested protein can leak

3:58through the system and create all sorts

4:00of immune reactions because then it goes

4:01through the lymphatic system and your

4:03immune system attacks it as being a

4:04foreign body and Bam allergy because

4:08allergies are always to proteins right

4:11so um wonder why you know it’s it starts

4:14with the stomach acid that’s

4:16why so many people if they just get the

4:19stomach right everything will do really

4:20really good and then we have candida see

4:24normal in your friendly uh stomach in

4:26your friendly bacteria in your stomach

4:28and your gut you you actually have a

4:31normal candida in there that’s supposed

4:33to be helpful to you it’s not a bad

4:35thing it’s only when it has an

4:37overgrowth if the pH is not correct if

4:40the pH is too alkaline you’ll get an

4:42overgrowth of the fungus type candida

4:46okay so that’ll happen and that can

4:49happen in the mouth the vaginal area and

4:51your intestines and your toenails all

4:52over the place so that’s one thing um

4:55also hpylori hpylori lives in an

4:58alkaline environment in fact it’ll it’ll

5:00even alkalize your stomach to live it

5:02doesn’t survive in an acid medium so

5:04normally like I think most people

5:06actually have H pylori in the stomach

5:08that’s a negative microbe I mean it’s

5:10it’s it’s a it’s a neutral microbe that

5:12can activate and cause

5:14damage if it’s becomes unfriendly but

5:17it’s really controlled by the

5:18environment if that environment is too

5:20alkaline that hpor kicks in there and

5:22you can have all these main side effects

5:24from that inflammation gastritis all

5:27those things so we have that issue and

5:29then we also have rosacea rosacea is the

5:33red face that comes from low stomach

5:35acid as well that’s one of the symptoms

5:37uh gird we talked about that acid reflux

5:39bloating gas indigestion is basic all

5:42that means is you don’t have enough

5:43stomach acid okay it could be that

5:46you’re also taking anti acids which then

5:48causing less acid in the stomach or even

5:51stress can deplete your acids in your

5:53stomach bad food junk food sugar a lot

5:56of things take that acid out of the

5:57stomach diarrhea um you know can do it

6:00as well because you lose all your

6:01stomach acids vomiting um people that

6:05have um uh bulimia because they vomit

6:08they can lose their stomach acids so

6:10that’s that’s some causes now let’s get

6:13into um undigested protein in your

6:16stomach if you can’t break down protein

6:18in your stomach and break down into

6:19amino acid then you can’t build body

6:23tissues so there goes the hail hair nail

6:25skin uh muscle protein uh not to mention

6:29neurotransmitters like U adrenaline um

6:33tryptophan all these amino acids that

6:36are supposed to be there to help build

6:37your hormones I mean serotonin is a

6:41pleasure hormone so it’s made from

6:42protein so if that stomach is not right

6:44you’re not going to have the building

6:45blocks to make those neurotransmitters

6:47they’re like hormone type things but

6:49they travel through the nervous system

6:51and then the last thing that it’ll do is

6:52it controls the absorption of minerals

6:55so without that stomach being pH you

6:56can’t pull in calcium you can’t pull in


7:00or zinc or um Iron so you have a

7:05something called anemia even pernicious

7:07anemia um basically it’s low iron and it

7:10could be also B12 different forms of

7:13anemia but if you can’t pull on that

7:14iron then you get a whole a series of

7:17additional side effects one is the

7:18anxiety OCD sleeping problems tentis

7:21that’s ringing the ear palpitations with

7:23the heart hair loss itchiness like you

7:26can see the Cascade of effects that

7:28occur from not having the stomach right

7:30and because you have an acid reflux

7:33condition or gird you’re thinking I have

7:35too much acid and you’re basing all the

7:38therapies on the wrong solution and

7:41that’s where people kind of go from bad

7:43to worse and they’re treating all these

7:45other conditions when they if they just

7:47fix the stomach a lot of things will

7:48improve so I think fixing the stomach

7:51will fix all the different PHS in the

7:53body that’s just my personal opinion

7:55when the B12 um you need a strong acid

7:58in your stomach to digest B in B12 so if

8:02you don’t have B12 you have visual

8:03changes gate problems fatigue tingling

8:07numbness memory problems a whole bunch

8:10of things because B12 is involved in

8:12your DNA it’s involved in your um brain

8:17tissue it’s involved in your immune

8:19system your energy your

8:22metabolism so many things so there um

8:27what I recommend of course in some of

8:28the other videos I an apple cider

8:30vinegar for those of people that don’t

8:31like to take apple cider vinegar um I do

8:35have uh something that you can take in a

8:37pill form and it’s called apple cider

8:40vinegar plus because I I have 50% of

8:44this is apple cider vinegar powder and

8:4650% of it’s Bane hydrochloride which is

8:48an acidifier so this is what I take

8:52between me I’m actually right before a

8:54meal to acidify my stomach and what it

8:58does is is it starts to naturally give

9:01you the acids that you’re missing so you

9:03can start building up that acidifier and

9:07start to really correct the deeper cause

9:09um I always recommend taking one before

9:12a meal with each meal and then the next

9:15day take two before each meal and then

9:19take three before each meal until you

9:21are feel really really really good in

9:23your stomach and you’re digesting

9:25because you want to gradually increase

9:26the acid um some people need a lot of

9:31acidifiers to help fix your stomach and

9:34they might even need six initially to

9:36fix it and then you can back off over

9:38time but you want to gradually go into

9:40it you don’t want to just take the huge

9:42amount right off the bat but it’s more I

9:44like it because it’s corrective because

9:46once you have the hydrochloric acid your

9:47body will tend to actually recycle it

9:50and it’ll start working better so it’s a

9:52great solution to uh fix a lot of

9:55problems naturally without having to uh

9:58make it work

10:00okay so it’s more corrective than

10:01anything so I just wanted to touch on

10:03the importance of hydrochloric acid and

10:05give you some of the functions of what

10:06it does and a deeper understanding of

10:09the um of some myths that people have

10:12about it so thanks for watching I’ll see

10:14you in the next video


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