3 Unique Ways to Increase Nitric Oxide Production

Improve Blood Pressure by Increasing Nitric Oxide Production


Adam J Story, DC

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C 128 Tuning Fork: https://amzn.to/3CUjWOS

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0:00if you could do three things that could

0:01naturally lower your blood pressure

0:03improve your cardiovascular health would

0:06you be interested i would now these

0:08three things i’m going to show you are

0:10very very unique and you probably have

0:13not seen them anywhere and all three

0:15things have something in common is that

0:17they improve and increase

0:19your ability to produce nitric oxide

0:24nitric oxide is a natural gas that our

0:27body develops inside the blood vessels

0:31the endothelial tissues which is the

0:33inner lining of our blood vessels

0:36produces nitric oxide for a number of


0:41there are many benefits of nitric oxide

0:43however we’re going to focus on blood

0:45pressure today of all the things that

0:48nitric oxide does and benefits us for

0:51our body the one thing that it does that

0:54we’re going to be most interested in is

0:56dilating the blood vessels nitric oxide

0:59allows our blood vessels to become

1:01dilated to allow them to expand and they

1:05become more pliable our natural ability

1:08to produce nitric oxide in our own body

1:11decreases with age and decreases

1:14with lower health thus it’s important

1:17for us especially as we age to do things

1:20that improve this ability so let’s get

1:23into number one number one is nasal

1:26breathing the inner lining of our nasal

1:29passageways stimulates our body to

1:31produce more nitric oxide what we’re

1:34going to do is instead of mouth

1:36breathing inhaling through the mouth and

1:39exhaling through the mouth we’re going

1:41to breathe as deeply as we can in

1:44through our nasal passageways now

1:47there’s many ways to do this and

1:48different ways to stimulate one side

1:50versus the other i’m going to show you

1:52all of them but firstly you want to make

1:54sure that your nose is clean one thing

1:57that you can do is use a neti pot or any

2:00type of thing that would clean your

2:02nasal passageways before you do this

2:04if you want to learn how to do this i

2:06have a video regarding that and i’ll put

2:08a link somewhere in the description if

2:10you need to use that so the best way to

2:12get started is to simply just close your


2:16and inhale through your nose you’re

2:18going to inhale through both nostrils

2:20and you want to inhale as deeply as you

2:23possibly can


2:27as you inhale you’re going to be

2:29stimulating the inner lining of your

2:32nasal passageways and that will improve

2:35your body’s ability to produce nitric

2:38oxide there are sensory nerves inside

2:41the nasal passageways that are connected

2:43to our brain and that is the mechanism

2:45by which this occurs now many people

2:48find that doing one nostril at a time is

2:51more beneficial so what you would do in

2:53that case is you would close your mouth

2:56close one nostril by pressing your

2:59finger up against the side of the

3:00nostril and then inhaling only through

3:04for example the left’s left nostril

3:07after inhaling and then blowing the air

3:10out through your mouth then you would


3:13the left hand would press on the left

3:16nostril and inhale through the right

3:18nostril how often you should do this is

3:21at minimum once per day but you can do

3:23it as often as you feel you need to if

3:26you were to spend five minutes three

3:28times a day you would find a greater

3:30sense of calm

3:32as well as more nitric oxide production

3:35in your body over time

3:37and thus lower blood pressure the second

3:40way you can increase nitric oxide is by

3:43using a tuning fork now this is

3:45something if you can’t get this locally

3:48you can order it on amazon i’m an amazon

3:50affiliate these are not very expensive

3:52at all but i’ll put a link down below if

3:54you want to try to get one of these and

3:56this is a special

3:58type of tuning fork it’s not a normal

4:01tuning fork it’s made of a special metal

4:04and it has these weights on the outside

4:07of it this is the c128

4:10now i’m not sure if this will work but

4:13let’s see if you can hear it what you’ll

4:15do is you’ll usually

4:17hit it let me see if you can hear the


4:21there’s a strong vibration and a sound

4:26i don’t know if it works or not but it’s

4:28it’s in the key of c


4:40and this special device has a healing

4:42frequency that helps us stimulate our

4:45natural ability to produce nitric oxide

4:49now there are seven places that you will

4:51place this the proper vibration on your

4:55body and they are the top of your head

4:57the middle of your forehead called the

4:59third eye your mastoid process which is

5:01behind your ear your tmj the top of your

5:04sternum called the manubrium and the

5:07bottom of your sternum called the

5:08xiphoid and lastly the sacrum these are

5:11all associated with your parasympathetic

5:14nervous system the parasympathetic

5:16nervous system is part of your autonomic

5:18nervous system and what the

5:20parasympathetic nervous system does is

5:23it relaxes

5:24all things in your body thus the

5:26parasympathetic nervous system allows

5:29the blood vessels to relax and dilate

5:31all throughout the body and by

5:33stimulating these special points with a

5:36proper vibration you are accentuating

5:39the parasympathetic nervous system and

5:42eliminating sympathetic dominance you’ve

5:44heard of the fight or flight syndrome

5:47this is the exact opposite so let’s go

5:49through each one one by one so the first

5:52step is you will hold the instrument


5:55securely with your hand here but an

5:58allow enough motion

6:00for it to vibrate if you hold it too

6:03tight then it simply won’t work you will

6:06hit it against the palm of your hand

6:08right here which is the safest place to

6:11hit on your hand

6:12and when you do this

6:15the vibration will last quite a bit of

6:18time if you hold it properly like this

6:20so the first step is the top of the head

6:23you will go right in the center

6:25right at the top of your head here you

6:27will hit the instrument

6:30place it on top

6:32just like this

6:34and when you do this i can feel it you

6:37can’t see it on the video but there is a

6:39very relaxing vibration

6:42that occurs and you can feel it in your

6:44skull going down your entire body you

6:48will hold this

6:49instrument here

6:51the entire time it vibrates and as the

6:54vibration calms down and starts to

6:57go away

6:58once it’s completely gone

7:01he will hit it again

7:03and go right to the same exact spot

7:07so you will do three cycles of that the

7:10next spot is right in the middle of the

7:12forehead known as the third eye you will

7:15hit this

7:16place it right in the middle

7:19of your forehead and wait for the


7:23to stop

7:24repeat three times the third spot is the

7:27mastoid process now if you wear glasses

7:30right exactly where your glasses stop

7:33there’s a bone behind your ear and it’s

7:35pretty solid and you’re going to

7:37actually put it right on the bone you

7:39don’t want to put it on the soft tissue

7:42that is a bad thing you want to put it

7:44right on the bone

7:46you will hit the instrument

7:49place it right on the bone

7:51and you will do it three times

7:53on the left side

7:55three times on the right always start

7:57with the left side that’s very important

8:00the fourth spot is the tmj now how to

8:02find the proper location because you

8:04need to be on the proper location for

8:06this to even work right in front of your


8:09this little bump right here is called

8:11the tragus

8:12and underneath it and right to the side

8:15you will feel your cheekbone

8:17so what you will do is you will go to

8:19your cheekbone right in front of the

8:21tragus and put three fingers

8:23right there just like this the middle

8:26finger is the exact spot where the tmj


8:30and you will go three to five

8:32millimeters lower than that

8:35and if you open and close your jaw

8:38you will feel a bone


8:41that’s the exact spot of the tmj

8:44so you will take your tuning fork


8:48hit it with the proper palm of your hand

8:51place it on the

8:52tmj and repeat three times

8:56start with the left

8:57finish with the right the fifth spot is

9:00the manubrium that’s a part of your

9:02sternum and what you will do is you will

9:04find your collarbones

9:06and the bones look like this and then

9:09right where they meet here you will go

9:11right to the notch now people don’t like

9:13it when you put it directly into the

9:15notch there but you will place it right

9:17on top

9:18that’s the manubrium

9:21hit the instrument

9:23place it

9:24right there

9:26three cycles then you will go to the

9:28bottom of your breastbone which is right


9:32hit the instrument

9:34place it there three cycles

9:37and that’s done the seventh and final

9:40place that you will place the instrument

9:43and you may need assistance to do this

9:45if you have difficulty reaching this

9:47area it is right below the belt line now

9:50the great thing about the sacrum is you

9:52don’t have to be exactly on the sacrum

9:55right center but it’s very easy to find

9:58if you’re lean you can just place your

10:00hands and go down there and find out

10:02where it is near your tailbone

10:05hit the instrument

10:07place it right on the sacrum

10:09and that three cycles will complete

10:12the tuning fork the third and final

10:15method to assist you producing more

10:17nitric oxide is humming this has been

10:20done since ancient times it has been

10:23used for centuries and it is known as

10:25the bumble bee breath the scientific

10:28basis of this is that when you are

10:30humming you’re not just breathing

10:32through your nasal passageways but

10:35you’re vibrating the nasal passageways

10:37and this gives added benefit

10:39to the breathing that i previously

10:42showed you in the first step by

10:43breathing through the nose and vibrating

10:46the nasal passageways you are further

10:48stimulating the parasympathetic nervous

10:50system so there are many details about

10:52humming however

10:54you can make it as simple as just

10:57humming a song or humming a certain key

11:00so you can hum like this

11:06or you can hum like this

11:13there are many ways of humming and

11:15different keys that you can hum in

11:17you will find that one key will just

11:20seem naturally better to you it’ll seem

11:23more calm it’ll seem easier it’ll seem

11:26more natural it’ll put you

11:29one with the universe as they say this

11:31is the key and what harmonizes right for

11:34you and that is what you should stick

11:36with that is what will stimulate your

11:38parasympathetic nervous system and it’s

11:41different for each individual now to

11:43make your humming more effective once

11:45you’ve done that

11:47you can remove some sensory organs to

11:50accentuate the feeling

11:52of the humming one option would be to

11:55close your eyes when you do the humming

11:58and if you close your eyes

12:00many people sense greater vibration in

12:03their nasal passageways in addition to

12:06that you can also

12:07close your ears

12:09by taking your fingers and placing

12:11against the tragus right here on both

12:14sides press firmly but not too hard

12:18firmly enough to close your ability to

12:20hear the outside world but not so hard

12:24that it causes pain

12:25if it causes pain

12:27lighten your pressure by closing your

12:30ears you will feel

12:32a greater vibration force in your nasal


12:37and you will get more benefit and thus

12:40in the long run producing more nitric

12:43oxide there are many other things that

12:45you can do to lower your blood pressure

12:47by producing more nitric oxide there are

12:50nutritional supplements there are

12:52various foods and if you’re interested

12:54in that there are some links right here

12:57at the end of the video i will put a box

12:59here if you don’t see the box turn your

13:02phone sideways and you’ll see that box

13:05and that will show you certain foods

13:08special foods that can also improve your

13:10nitric oxide production so today’s video

13:13sponsor is nature’s pure blend and they

13:16have a product called nitric oxide flow

13:19and this is a great product there’s many

13:21reasons why it has all the nutrients

13:24that you need to improve your body’s

13:27ability to naturally

13:29produce nitric oxide nitric oxide is

13:32that gas inside of our blood vessels

13:34that our bodies endothelial cells

13:37produce so that your your blood vessels

13:40become more pliable they can expand

13:42better they can relax and thus your

13:45blood pressure goes down so the nitric

13:48oxide flow really helps your

13:50cardiovascular system it gives you again

13:53the nutrients that you need in order to

13:56help yourself produce those benefits the

13:59dosage for this is anywhere between one

14:01to two tablets a day you should always

14:03ask your doctor if that type of thing is

14:06right for you and there will be a link

14:09down below

14:10in the description so if you hit that

14:12link you can go ahead and look at this

14:14product and see if it is right for you


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