7 Critical Things You Need to Know about Fasting
Dr. Eric Berg DC
Get My FREE PDF: How Does Intermittent Fasting Work? 👉 https://drbrg.co/3QjkXpG Prolonged fasting has a lot of incredible benefits. Here’s what you really need to know before giving it a try. Check out 2 Most Amazing Cancer Success Stories Here: ▶️ • From Stage 4 Cancer to CANCER-FREE: G… ▶️ • From Stage 3 Colon Cancer to NO Cance… 0:00 Introduction: Understanding fasting vs. snacking 3:03 What great thinkers have said about fasting 3:52 Fasting vs. starving 5:30 Critical things you need to know about prolonged fasting 18:33 Learn how to make insulin more sensitive! Today, I’m going to share seven critical things you need to know about prolonged fasting. Fasting is very simple yet very powerful. Snacking is one of the worst things for your insulin and your overall health. Food is nourishing, but to heal your body, you might be better off not eating. Snacking causes hunger, weight gain, fatigue, and moodiness—among other potential health problems. Yet, simply not eating can create so many powerful health effects. Throughout history, many great thinkers, including Hippocrates and Plato, have even had positive things to say about fasting. Seven critical things you need to know about prolonged fasting (72 hours or longer): 1. Only drink water (2.5 liters), tea, and coffee—and take supplements (electrolytes, B vitamins, vitamin D, and vitamin C) 2. Take electrolytes (including sea salt) 3. Go very slow and gradual when refeeding, and avoid carbs, sugar, and a large meal 4. Don’t take apple cider vinegar 5. Do Healthy Keto when you break your fast 6. Understand the dawn phenomenon (your liver is making sugar due to insulin resistance) 7. Know when to break your fast (don’t stop when it’s uncomfortable—push through the transition phase) Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio: Dr. Berg, age 57, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media. Follow Me On Social Media: Facebook: https://bit.ly/FB-DrBerg Instagram: https://bit.ly/IG-DrBerg TikTok: https://bit.ly/TikTok-DrBerg Disclaimer: Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. #keto#ketodiet#weightloss#ketolifestyle Thanks for watching! I hope this helps explain the seven critical things to know about fasting. I’ll see you in the next video.
Introduction: Understanding fasting vs. snacking
0:00i’m going to share several critical
0:01things about prolonged fasting
0:04that you need to know
0:06fasting is very simple okay it shouldn’t
0:09be that hard some people overthink it
0:12and those things that are really simple
0:14are usually extremely powerful
0:16and that’s what fasting is i mean it’s
0:18actually mind-blowing to think that the
0:20absence of food just not eating can
0:22create so many powerful effects and if
0:26you haven’t tried it you should
0:27definitely try it in order to understand
0:30the benefits of fasting you want to
0:32compare it to
0:35another subject and usually a subject
0:37that would be the opposite okay and that
0:39would be
0:40snacking okay if you look at what
0:42snacking does to the human body
0:45it is absolutely positively devastating
0:48in fact i think out of all the things
0:50that you can do
0:51that create a negative influence on your
0:53body snacking is at the top of the list
0:56because of what it does to insulin it’s
0:59a chronic
1:00increase in elevation of insulin which
1:03then leads to just a million other
1:05problems i mean when you think about it
1:08i guess i’ll just pull this up right
1:09here real
1:12i don’t think you can ever heal the body
1:15with eating frequent meals okay we have
1:18this idea that you have to heal the body
1:20with food right like food is nourishing
1:24actually it might be nourishing but to
1:25really heal you’re better off
1:28not eating
1:29um this idea that breakfast is the most
1:31important meal is a total lie and i used
1:34to promote it before i learned otherwise
1:36what about promoting like bedtime snacks
1:38for kids right or after school snacks or
1:41this advice that you should never miss a
1:43meal right
1:44which i have no idea who started that
1:46well actually i do
1:48it’s the snack food industry that
1:51started that and for some reason this
1:53snacking food industry just doesn’t like
1:56me for some reason i don’t know why it
1:57is so if we look at snacking snacking
2:01makes you more hungry because you’re
2:02eating a small amount of calories and
2:05you’re stimulating insulin and that
2:06lowers your blood sugar about an hour
2:08and a half later so you’re going to
2:10stimulate hunger
2:12not stimulate your metabolism okay
2:14you’re going to stimulate hunger
2:16when you snack
2:18and it’s going to promote
2:21hunger okay so and you’re never ever
2:24going to fix hypoglycemia
2:28eating these snacks
2:29because it just it keeps that
2:31hypoglycemic low blood sugar thing going
2:34on and on and on in fact it actually
2:37slows your metabolism or shall i say
2:40slows your ability to lose weight
2:41because you develop insulin resistance
2:43because you have this constant increase
2:46of insulin and also it’s going to
2:47promote a need for a nap okay right
2:49after you eat you’re going to feel like
2:50you need a nap and you may find that
2:53eating does reduce moodiness and
2:55grouchiness but soon after about an hour
2:57later when your blood sugars are dropped
3:00you’re going to revert back to this
What great thinkers have said about fasting
3:03now in history
3:05a lot of great thinkers
3:07have commented on fasting and had
3:09something to say about fasting
3:12said to eat when you are sick is to fuel
3:17fascinating right
3:20and then we have the ancient greek
3:21philosophers right the great thinkers
3:24pythagoras pythagoras required fasting
3:29of his students okay so they can think
3:31more clearly plato aristotle were
3:34advocates of fasting ben franklin said
3:38the best of all medicine
3:40is rest
3:41and fasting
3:43mark twain said a little starvation can
3:45really do more for the average sick
3:48than the best medicine and the best
3:51doctors and another very interesting
Fasting vs. starving
3:54point about your fat okay your adipose
3:59where did it come from why did we
4:00develop this fat tissue that you hate so
4:03much well we developed it from
4:05scarcity of food okay food scarcity and
4:09what this fat really is it’s a it’s an
4:12efficient way of surviving it’s a way to
4:15make your energy very efficient and when
4:17some people express that they have a
4:19damaged or slow or ruined metabolism
4:22what they really have is an efficient
4:24metabolism because now the body can go
4:27with just a little bit of food for long
4:29periods of time and that fat is retained
4:32so fat is all about prolonging fuel
4:36it’s all about helping you survive when
4:38there’s no food so therein lies the
4:41secret to losing fat okay
4:44can you do it by adding more food by
4:46eating something no you want to mimic
4:50why we developed it in the first place
4:52we want to mimic
4:54starvation but not really starvation i
4:56want to actually kind of
4:58clarify what i mean by a mimic okay the
5:00difference between fasting and
5:01starvation really has to do with one
5:04thing control who’s in control when
5:06you’re fasting you’re in control when
5:09you’re starving you’re usually
5:11being controlled by the environment
5:13because there’s no food
5:14so if we were going to mimic starvation
5:16we’re really being in control because we
5:18could eat if we want right and so the
5:20secret to getting rid of your fat really
5:22is just to
5:23do prolonged
5:25fasting okay the power of prolonged
5:27fasting is just remarkable for your
5:29health so let’s go through the seven
Critical things you need to know about prolonged fasting
5:31critical things that you need to know
5:34the first thing i want to mention is
5:37when you do
5:40you really only want to drink water you
5:42can have tea
5:43you can have some coffee
5:46but you definitely want to take
5:47supplements and the reason is because
5:49nowadays people are so deficient in
5:52nutrients so even though when you go
5:54through fasting your body
5:55adapts and becomes very efficient at
5:58holding nutrients and the requirement of
6:01nutrients is a lot less you could still
6:03have certain deficiencies of both trace
6:06minerals especially and other things
6:09like electrolytes and
6:10even the b vitamins so i recommend
6:14taking your supplements and the two main
6:17categories of supplements i would
6:18recommend are the electrolytes
6:21and the b vitamins but of course if you
6:23can also do some other ones like
6:26vitamin d
6:27vitamin c that would be
6:29important what you don’t want to do is
6:31you don’t want to do like branch chain
6:34amino acids you don’t want to have
6:38no you don’t want to do that and there
6:40are some programs that promote that but
6:43i don’t recommend that because what
6:45you’re going to do is you’re going to
6:46inhibit this very powerful thing that
6:48gives you
6:49huge benefits okay called autophagy what
6:52is that
6:54that is a condition it’s not a thing
6:56it’s a condition in your body
7:00basically recycles old damaged proteins
7:02okay so
7:04fasting is the most potent
7:06trigger to
7:08autophagy and so autophagy is kind of
7:10like self-cleaning it’s cleaning up the
7:13old dead proteins it’s cleaning up
7:15pathogens in the body it’s stimulating
7:18all sorts of genes for long-term
7:20survival and longevity
7:23it helps to clean up
7:25damaged mitochondria which is directly
7:28behind the root cause of cancer so this
7:32is why
7:33prolonged fasting is the best solution
7:36to cancer
7:37and if you have not seen my videos
7:40on two amazing
7:42success stories with cancer
7:45like stage four cancer i’m gonna put
7:47those down below
7:48but it’s very powerful so autophagy is a
7:52where you’re recycling like damaged
7:55protein i’m talking about amyloid
7:56plaquing that’s involved in alzheimer’s
7:59talking about the um the damaged protein
8:02involved in chronic disease like in your
8:05eyes like from diabetes
8:08from chronic inflammation
8:10and by the way when you start doing
8:12prolonged fasting you can just
8:15erase any inflammation in the body and
8:18amazing for autoimmune type conditions
8:21as well so we’re recycling damaged
8:23proteins not just your muscles but
8:26proteins involved in the enzymes the all
8:29the different metabolic pathways the
8:31things that are damaged it cleans all
8:32that up
8:34so just make sure you do uh your water
8:36you know a couple other things like tea
8:38and coffee in your supplements but
8:40nothing else okay
8:42the other thing i want to bring up is
8:44the amount of water i would recommend at
8:46least two and a half
8:48liters of water now there are dry fast
8:52and that’s a whole different thing but
8:54for most of you watching i i don’t
8:56recommend you do that do a water fast so
8:58you’re basically drinking a good amount
8:59of water
9:01what’s interesting about doing a fast
9:03your body will make its own water out of
9:05fat but that’s for another video
9:08i just recommend you drink enough water
9:11and the reason i recommend you drink
9:12water is when you start fasting
9:14boy you just dump your glycogen okay
9:17your stored sugar
9:18and you’re burning up the sugar first
9:21and then
9:22with that um
9:24is the release of a lot of fluids
9:27you have a tremendous amount of water
9:29that’s tied in with this stored
9:31blood sugar in your muscles and your in
9:33your liver so you’re going to get rid of
9:35a good amount of fluid initially and
9:38with that
9:39becomes a loss of electrolytes so you
9:41want to put back in those electrolytes
9:44probably the biggest risk of doing these
9:47fast okay
9:49is when you’re doing them without
9:51electrolytes because uh you can create a
9:54lot of
9:55problems with your heart
9:57you can you can faint
9:59you can even have heart attacks why
10:01because you’re you’re basically
10:03depriving your body of key
10:05uh electrolytes and realize that sodium
10:08chloride is also
10:09part of electrolytes okay so you need
10:12salt and other electrolytes
10:15if you feel weakness in your muscles
10:18that is an indication that you need
10:21salt okay and of course i’m talking
10:23about sea salt and electrolytes
10:26i’m also talking about potassium
10:31things like that now
10:32let’s go into number three refeeding
10:37this is when you
10:38start to eat again now i’m not talking
10:42intermittent fasting right now i’m
10:43talking about prolonged fasting when
10:44you’re fasting 48 72 hours you’re
10:47fasting five days you’re fasting you
10:50know 14 days 21 days
10:5330 days whatever
10:55and you could do a five day or even a 21
10:58day fast several times to the year
11:02just keep your health at a whole new
11:06the some of the problems with fasting
11:08that i want to bring up is like you
11:10don’t want to do fasting when you’re
11:11pregnant when you’re lactating
11:13you don’t want to do fasting if you have
11:16anorexia however
11:18if you have stage four cancer
11:21cancer in general
11:23personally i would do prolonged fasting
11:26immediately so if you’re doing a
11:28prolonged fast all right
11:31what do you eat
11:32coming off the fast
11:34well you want to do
11:36something healthy of course
11:38but you don’t want to do a big meal okay
11:40and you especially do not want to do
11:42something with refined carbs and sugar
11:44and the reason is because you’re going
11:45to create a huge shift of potassium okay
11:50out of the cell and 98 of all your
11:53potassium should be inside that cell
11:56and so
11:57in order to store sugar you need
11:59potassium so you’re going to just suck
12:01out this potassium
12:03too fast
12:04and you’re going to end up with a severe
12:08imbalance uh of potassium in the blood
12:12inside the cell there’s going to be this
12:13huge imbalance and that can create some
12:16dangers so do not
12:19you know just regular foods or refined
12:22carbs when you come off
12:23this prolonged fast instead do a little
12:25bit of salad maybe a little egg
12:28just a little bit of something and then
12:30wait for a couple hours and then you can
12:32maybe have a little bit of nuts
12:35and wait for a little bit do a little
12:36avocado and gradually kind of come out
12:38of this okay you do not want to do a big
12:42like i did and that was a really good
12:44demonstration of what not to do because
12:46i just pigged out i ate all this food at
12:48this huge meal
12:50and oh my goodness did i
12:53end up with a serious
12:55uh digestive problem
12:58tired and i’m like okay i will never do
13:00that again in fact i need to have other
13:02people learn from my mistakes
13:05all right if you’re doing a prolonged
13:07fast and i’m saying
13:08probably 72 hours or longer realize that
13:11all these ketones are going to make you
13:12pretty acid it’s not a bad thing it’s
13:15just that if you’re doing apple cider
13:17vinegar and you’re adding that you’re
13:19going to add some more acidity and that
13:21can throw off your ph and you may find
13:23that your your pulse rate it’s like a
13:26very loud pounding
13:28pulse rate in your ear that’s going to
13:30make it difficult to sleep because your
13:32ph is off and your breathing might be
13:34affected too like like air hunger like
13:37can’t get enough air so don’t just don’t
13:39do the apple cider vinegar if you’re
13:40doing a fast longer than 72 hours you
13:44may want to do some baking soda just a
13:46little bit like a an eighth of a
13:48teaspoon in some water and drink that
13:51especially if you start having a
13:53build-up of like a gout symptom from the
13:55uric acid that goes up uric acid is one
13:58of the most powerful antioxidants in
13:59your blood and it’s a normal thing but
14:01some people that are predisposed to gout
14:04might have a flare-up especially when
14:06are doing this initially okay but
14:08normally it’s not a situation and number
14:10five do the healthy version of the
14:12ketogenic diet don’t just go back to
14:15regular foods because first of all the
14:17carbs are going to kind of nullify some
14:19of the benefits that you had okay
14:21because this this whole goal of doing
14:23fasting is to get rid of the bad effects
14:26of a high carb diet and a junk food diet
14:29so why would you want to go back to that
14:30so i would highly recommend combining
14:33healthy keto with the intermittent
14:36okay number six dawn phenomenon
14:39what is that that has to do with your
14:41blood sugars going up
14:44okay maybe between five
14:47in the morning to eight like all of a
14:48sudden your blood sugars go up like you
14:50didn’t eat any sugar where is that sugar
14:52coming from well your liver is making
14:54sugar okay there’s a problem with
14:56insulin resistance
14:58which is still occurring because it
15:01a quite a while to get rid of that
15:02condition it could take months
15:04even up to a year or a little bit longer
15:07to fully get rid of that if you have the
15:08dawn phenomenon all that means is that
15:12you have insulin resistance okay
15:14and i wouldn’t worry about it too much
15:17however if it concerns you i would go
15:20for a long walk and just burn off that
15:23it’s not coming from your diet okay it’s
15:24just your liver is making the sugar
15:26and that’s a big difference between
15:29consuming sugar all right it’s
15:32you’re not going to have a problem and
15:33also that problem is going to go away
15:35with time
15:36versus some people might think oh
15:38fasting is bad because it raised my
15:40sugar so i’m going to stop doing that
15:42that would be a mistake and so a couple
15:44other little things you can do you can
15:46probably take berberine or other things
15:50like cinnamon to help
15:52reduce insulin resistance okay all right
15:55number seven knowing when to break your
15:59now should you just dive right into a
16:01prolonged fast
16:02well you know what you could you could
16:05are you going to feel great maybe not
16:07especially if you haven’t fasted you’re
16:08gonna have to go through a period of
16:09time where your body adapts and so it
16:11might take you several days before you
16:13start feeling good
16:16so a lot of people do this gradually and
16:19they kind of ease into it after doing
16:22you know weeks of intermittent fasting
16:25you could just cold turkey just jump
16:26right in and do prolonged fasting okay
16:28however when you start fasting
16:31what you’re really doing is you’re
16:32switching from the glucose fuel
16:34to the fat fuel okay and then also the
16:37body then has to make new enzymes for
16:40ketones okay so your body actually is
16:42running on fatty acids
16:44as well as ketones especially for your
16:47brain your brain can’t run in fatty
16:48acids it runs on ketones so
16:52just think about this you’re not going
16:53to feel really good in your head when
16:56you start doing fasting simply because
16:58it takes a while to develop ketones so
17:01in the meantime what you could do is
17:03take mct oil or you can take ketone
17:07and get rid of those symptoms however
17:09you may not feel good mentally
17:13at first but then you start adapting and
17:16your appetite goes away and you feel
17:20that’s a really good indication that
17:21you’ve adapted okay so if you’re doing
17:23this gradual okay
17:26there’s always going to be a transition
17:27phase where you’re going to have to go
17:29through something
17:30that’s going to be uncomfortable but
17:32just realize push through that like you
17:34might have hunger
17:35pains you might feel
17:38a little bit kind of off
17:40but then
17:41if you push through that
17:43that will go away
17:45because your body
17:46has is forced to adapt to this new
17:49method of burning fuel there’s no other
17:52shortcuts other than just pushing
17:54through that sometimes so at some point
17:56going from intermittent fasting to
17:58prolonged fasting you’re going to have
18:00to go through
18:01a little bit of this transition it’s
18:04normal it’s not abnormal
18:06i’m just letting you know
18:08before you go through it so you can
18:11not be freaked out about it but when i
18:13say don’t eat if you’re not hungry eat
18:15when you’re hungry
18:17i’m mainly talking about doing
18:18intermittent fasting
18:20but when we get into prolonged fasting
18:22should you eat when you’re hungry
18:24no actually we’re going to just push
18:26through that
18:27to the other side
18:29okay so that’s kind of a little bit of a
18:31little point i want to bring up
Learn how to make insulin more sensitive!
18:33now since we’re on the topic of fasting
18:35i think it’d be very important for you
18:36to learn a little bit more about
18:38how to speed up the process and that
18:41would be how to make insulin more
18:43sensitive so you should watch this video
18:45right here