Dr. Berg’s Webinar on Maximum Weight Loss
Dr. Eric Berg DC
You can burn fat for extreme weight loss, even with slow metabolism or other conditions that typically slow weight loss.
0:00 How to burn fat despite having a slow metabolism (or other conditions that slow weight loss)
3:56 I touch on the condition called insulin resistance, which is behind a weight plateau
6:19 I list excellent protein sources along with ones to avoid
14:20 Let’s talk about fat; good sources, and the amounts to eat
In this webinar, I’m going to talk about extreme weight loss: how to burn fat despite having a slow metabolism, plateauing, menopause, or hypothyroidism, for example. Or if you just want to lose weight really quickly. If you understand these principles, you can lose as much weight as you want.
Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 56, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.
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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
Thanks for watching! Follow these principles for extreme weight loss. I’ll see you in the next video.
How to burn fat despite having a slow metabolism (or other conditions that slow weight loss)
0:00hey guys so this is the webinar that you’ve been waiting for in this webinar were to talk about
0:07extreme weight loss how to burn the most fat despite having a slow metabolism so
0:14it’s taking me a long time to consolidate and make this really really simple for you so I’m gonna walk you
0:20through a step-by-step exactly what to do and you’d want to use this if you have a slow metabolism if you’re
0:26plateaued it let’s say you’re going through menopause or you have hypothyroidism or you just want to lose
0:33a lot of weight real quick if you understand these principles you can lose
0:38as much weight as you want it’s a bit extreme but it’s also healthy so you
0:44don’t have to worry about anything related to your health it’s just a little it’s gonna take a little more discipline so I’m gonna pull up my
0:51powerpoint slides here we go right here
0:57alright so that’s just so good so let’s
1:03just dive right in okay I have a number of slides we’re gonna go through a very
1:09a to be no fluff just you might want to take notes okay so the first thing we’re talking about is carbs there’s if you’re
1:18new to my channel we’re gonna talk about ketosis ketosis is basically fat burning
1:25if you’re trying to lose weight of course you want to focus on burning your fat right not burning your muscles or
1:32just sugar fuel or just water weight we want to actually burn fat the way to do
1:39it is you must drop your carbs now in ketosis the range of carbohydrates is
1:47usually between 20 and 50 grams per day okay but we’re going to do is we’re going to bring it down to as close to zero as
1:54possible and what I’m gonna do as I go through this presentation is just give you the key things that you can do if
2:03you want to implement so there’s a lot of different strategies you can combine all of them are some of them but these
2:09are the things that will help you lose the most weight regardless of how slow your that was mints okay you may not need to
2:16do this I mean as Extreme as I’m talking about but at least you you can turn up
2:21the dial as much as you want okay so we want to get into deep ketosis that means
2:27dropping our carbs as close to zero as possible but maybe not zero because I’m
2:34gonna recommend using lemon juice there’s like very small amount of carbs and lemons but it does have some there’s
2:42a very small amount of carbs and eggs it’s not going to be a big deal maybe some seeds maybe there’s a little bit of
2:48carbs and leafy vegetables but we want to do this healthily because if you
2:54don’t add some vegetables it’s gonna be hard to get your minerals it’s gonna be hard to get your fiber to feed the
2:59microbes so I’m building in all the safeguards to make sure when you lose
3:04the weight you do it healthily and you look good as you’re losing weight so you don’t look like a crackhead you know
3:11you’re looking all old and things so so let’s just kind of dive in of course
3:17there’s no limit to leafy greens of course we’re not going to recommend corn
3:22peas beets carrots tomatoes squash but
3:28if your metabolism is fast you can easily add tomatoes and squash carrots and beets and peas but not corn
3:34I just don’t recommend it because it’s normally always GMO so
3:43just kind of just get walk you through the most important things avocados are totally fine I would avoid berries okay
3:50avoid berries all right I just want to
3:55touch on one thing and it’s called insulin resistance what’s behind a slow
I touch on the condition called insulin resistance, which is behind a weight plateau
4:01metabolism metabolism where whereby you’re trying to lose weight and then
4:06you plateau and you cannot get below that certain weight what’s stopping you
4:12is something called insulin resistance you have a problem where your body’s not
4:17absorbing insulin that well and your body makes too much of it so you have
4:23too much insulin okay that’s that’s really the problem and the presence of that much insulin you’re not going to
4:29lose weight and so we want to do is we want to correct insulin resistance there’s a couple ways dropping carbs is
4:35one the other is feeding your microbes in your gut you have about an hour 24 to
4:4526 feet of intestines the last part which is called the colon the large intestine that has most of your microbes
4:53probably like 95% of all the microbes and that’s where all the fermentation of
5:00the fiber occurs and these microbes eat fiber and the fiber we’re gonna feed them our vegetable fibers okay from
5:08leafy green salads things like that now that being said if you bloat with a lot
5:13of vegetables of course kind of back I’m assuming you’re not gonna blow I do recommend consuming a lot of
5:20vegetables like between 7 and 10 cups to achieve your nutrient levels okay some
5:25people can’t do that you have to work up to it but I’m just gonna tell you one of
5:30the reasons why to do that is to not just for the deep potassium and magnesium which will also lower insulin
5:37resistance but the fiber feeds them microbes and the microbes then give you
5:42in exchange something really cool it’s called butyrate what does butyrate butyrate is a natural
5:49compound that not only feeds the colon cells and give you gives you energy
5:56but butyrate also majorly helps you
6:01restore your int normal insulin levels so it’s very good for blood sugar problem it’s really good to correct
6:07insulin resistance okay that is why we’re gonna do this okay so we got that
6:16all right now protein okay I’m gonna recommend moderate protein and that
I list excellent protein sources along with ones to avoid
6:22means three to six ounces a protein per meal now with the ketogenic Plan the healthy
6:29version I’m gonna recommend we always have this confusion of protein and fat
6:35what does it look like I’m gonna give you a lot of examples so you can visualize I think if you could see this
6:40you can do it so I’m gonna actually show you pictures in a second I’m gonna
6:48recommend that you always consume most of your felt with your protein together
6:54in one food versus trying to add a lot of extra fat with lean protein or
7:00protein powder I don’t recommend that pounds and there’s a couple reasons I’m
7:05not going to get into it but it’s just healthy if you eat it that’s one complex and not do mean or low fat anything when
7:11you go mean protein you spike insulin more than the whole fat so the fat is really really key so we want to do three
7:17uh six ounces of protein per meal if you’re a big person okay you’re gonna
7:23need a little bit more maybe seven or eight ounces if you’re gonna start doing
7:28in a minute fasting which we’ll talk about and you start doing less meals you might need a little more protein as well
7:33because that’s your only meal of the day okay so I’ll show you as we get into it
7:40the more protein that you consume now in one meal the higher the insulin spike
7:45and we’re trying to keep insulin below a lot of this protein that you eat we’re
7:50not a lot of it a good portion of it is not used as calories as fuel it’s used to repair about a tissue so we’re always
7:58dealing with the ability to digest the protein too and a quality source of
8:03protein so salmon is a really good quality fish other fish
8:08eggs are really good grass-fed protein is really good whey protein is not it’s
8:16very low on the list okay okay so we got
8:21into that let’s go on to the next one salmon other fatty fish the best salmon
8:30has omega-3 fatty acids one of the mega 3 fatty acids is called DHA it’s really
8:37good for the brain okay it’s really good to repair a damaged brain it’s very
8:43important in a growing baby but a good
8:48portion of the brain is made out of DHA so you’re going to be very very safe if
8:55you do foods with high amounts of those omega-3 fatty acids compared to the
9:00omega-6 fatty acids which is all the seed oils and the vegetable oils like the corn oils so soy oil that you get it
9:07when you go out to eat or you know a lot of recipes they have this vegetable oil
9:12it’s not very good it’s very inflammatory and it worsens the insulin resistant situation DHA and omega-3
9:20fatty acids improve the situation sardines really good source of omega-3
9:27hamburger do not get the extra lean hammock or get the fattiest hamburger
9:32you can eat that way you get your fat with your protein it’s going to create a
9:38lot less spike on your insulin okay so just to hammer this home lean protein
9:46spikes insulin more than fatty protein okay I know of some of you’re saying well what about the calories well we’ll
9:52get to that in a second alright eggs make sure they’re
9:57pasture-raised eggs okay organic eggs impossible versus like
10:04pasteurized eggs you don’t want to get that you wanna get it pasture raised like chickens that go out in the grass
10:10okay I get my eggs at the farmers market and from smaller farmers okay duck eggs
10:18are awesome awesome if you can get those it’s the yolks are huge very very good especially
10:26for your liver by the way I personally do four eggs a day I’ve been doing it
10:32forever I’m not going to get into cholesterol in this presentation you can watch my other videos for that but
10:37realize your body makes a good amount of cholesterol like a lot so when you eat more your body makes less okay
10:45also cholesterol is needed for the hormones cell membranes a lot of things seafood very good very important for
10:53trace minerals things like zinc selenium these are minerals that will help with a
11:00lot of different things but at the end of the day we want you to consume foods that supply all your nutrients okay and
11:08trace minerals are a big one that’s usually missing some of you are not into
11:14consuming pork that’s totally fun you don’t have to I believe from just my
11:19personal feeling is that if you have a high quality pork product it’s fine but
11:27that’s just my own viewpoint so I go to the farmers market and I find out what these pigs are eating and I am I don’t
11:35go to I don’t buy my my bacon from 7-eleven okay where the or the
11:41supermarket that you know the process section I don’t do that with the nitrates and the sugars and all that but
11:47the main thing is what they feed the pork you know like they’ll do GMO grains we don’t want to do that and if you if
11:54you think pork is worse than chicken I mean chicken is really really bad unless it’s fed non-gmo food so as
12:02you’re doing the beef in the pork and the chicken whatever make sure you do
12:08organic grass-fed would be better if you do dairy make sure it’s grass-fed
12:15organic very important so avoid the whey protein powder chicken
12:21unless it’s high-quality and also don’t but don’t eat the chicken without the skin you need that on I think the FATA
12:29skinless chicken is like 13% which is and there’s a lot of problems with that
12:37um I’m not gonna get into it in this video but I will have another video on them okay Turkey to lean protein powders
12:46at this point I would recommend them lean fish get the fatty fish lean meat
12:55including hamburger is out so we don’t want to do that either alright so now
13:01what to avoid in this program we’re
13:06gonna avoid nuts they do have some hidden carbs and basically I’m giving
13:12you all the things that you should do if you have some sluggish miss with your
13:17metabolism you want to speed things up okay so if you if you don’t have a crawl with your metabolism you can do nuts but
13:23I would cut them out if you’re having a hard time losing weight you’d be surprised how much weight you can lose
13:29by cutting out the nuts first of all it’s hard to digest okay plus they have little more carbs and people are loading
13:36up with nuts and they feel bloated and it can definitely slow you down the
13:41other thing too I mentioned dairy you may want to just avoid all dairy at this point what about some cream in your
13:48coffee that’s gonna be fine it’s a very small amount I mean if you have half and half the amount of carbs you get is like
13:54so tiny if you better do your whole cream but for the most part if you definitely
14:00avoid yogurt milk kefir at this point
14:06just because so many people have inflammation from dairy some people some
14:11people can’t digest it it could be constipating some of the dairy does have carbs and just to speed things up we’re
14:18gonna avoid it now I want to talk about fat but this
Let’s talk about fat; good sources, and the amounts to eat
14:23relates to protein because in nature nothing ever comes exactly as fat usually it’s a combination of fat and
14:29protein but I want to talk about this when you do a keto plan they talked about seventy to seventy-five percent of
14:37your total calories being fat now what the heck does that mean I mean I’m going to show you a bit like a visual of that
14:44but we’re not even we’re not even doing 72 five percent at this point and the
14:50reason for that is that this is more of an extreme version of the Kido that I
14:56recommend in my book this is mainly for people that have that need the x-factor
15:03that need to go they need something stronger because there’s a plateau they’re plateaued and they’re stuck okay
15:09so if you go too high on your fat your body will burn the fat calories possibly
15:17more than your own fat okay that’s not what we’re trying to do in the very beginning I think it’s very important to
15:24increase fat to be able to go longer without having to eat because we’re gonna implement and med fasting in a
15:30second but but as you start adapting we want to cut the fat down not til low fat
15:36but to about 75 grams of fat or a little bit less if you do that your body will
15:44burn a lot more of its own fat if we go too low on the fat you’re gonna end up
15:50with deficiencies and all sorts of other problems we don’t want to do that but I want to just give you a total visual on
15:56what this looks like okay so what does 75 grams of fat look like here’s an
16:03example right here 8 ounces of salmon ok this is like oh this is like your
16:09protein and fat for one day ok 8 ounces of salmon we got 2 tablespoons of butter
16:15maybe you use it to cook something Mac nuts which again we’re not recommending
16:20to nuts but some people might be able to get away with them out of all the nuts to the macadamia nuts are the fattiest
16:27so that would be a good thing and they’re also low on the oxalic level so
16:33they’re not going to actually aggravate the many potential stone issues if you are a stone former same thing with
16:40pistachios but anyway this is what it looks like right here ok here’s another example 8 strips of bacon and just so
16:47you know what I eat in the morning or actually don’t need the morning my first meal is like at 3 o’clock and I will
16:54have my breakfast at 3 o’clock and I’ll have 4 eggs and I’ll take one of those packets of bacon and I’ll normally kind
17:01of in half and I’ll have half of that so you might say wow that’s a lot of bacon it’s actually a lot of fat cooks off and
17:09it’s not a tremendous amount of protein I mean it’s just it’s it’s something but it’s not like what you would think
17:16so here’s salmon I’m sorry the sardines which is the high quality sources
17:21omega-3 then make a coconut oil right here and the brie cheese again for some
17:27people I wouldn’t recommend the brie cheese but I just want to show you what’s 75 or 70
17:3370 or 71 grams of fat looks like per day just you can get it visualized visual
17:38visual on this I’m gonna show you more examples but I think it’s important for it just to kind of get an eyeball
17:44because when you do keto like some people say oh my gosh I’m just living on pure grease and and it’s all gonna be
17:50just this huge chunk of fat no not really look at this 74 grams of fat 8 ounce
17:57burger brie cheese 1 tablespoon of olive oil
18:03that you put that on your salad that’s not a lot of fat ok here’s another one
18:10we have tuna 4 ounces we got the bacon 8
18:15strips got 2 1 1 egg olive oil 1 tablespoon little macadamia nuts it’s
18:23not that much here’s another one two tablespoons of butter we got 1/4
18:31avocado and 8 ounce hamburger patty 35 grams so are you starting to see it’s
18:39like this is not terribly a lot of fat but it’s not low-fat either okay got
18:45that here’s another one we got two salad dressing two tablespoons personally I do olive oil
18:53and vinaigrette the solvent on my salads and then I put a little Parmesan cheese
18:59okay so a town salmon and then we got
19:04two MCT oil I’m gonna recommend that you probably not do mc2 MCT oil on this
19:11initially um unless your metabolism is fine because even though it turns out
19:18the ketones and you’ll have a lot of energy it might be a problem with you
19:23tapping in your own fat however that being said if you have a pre-existing heart problem or a brain problem where
19:30you have Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s or you have some type of a heart issue NCT oil is awesome because it’ll give
19:37you give your brain more ketones to use directly and it bypasses this insulin
19:43resistance and it feeds the cell directly and you get lots more energy and you’ll have a better output in your
19:51heart you’ll be less tired – okay coconut oil look at that all right got
19:57got that keep it simple just trying to make this simple as possible okay now getting a minute fasting intermittent
20:03fasting is another tool but here’s the big rule do not eat unless you are a
20:09hungry okay so many people are eating in they’re not hungry if there’s times you’re not hungry don’t
20:17eat why because your body is eating your own fat and as soon as you eat you’re
20:23gonna stop that process so we don’t want to do that we want you in fat-burning
20:2824/7 okay so you started with three meals a day okay see this right here these spikes
20:34insulin insulin insulin and then we have we don’t have any snacks we’re adding
20:41fat at the meal to be able to go longer and longer now every time you eat you trigger insulin so we want to keep want
20:49to start working on cutting down the frequency of eating over a graduate period of time maybe two weeks okay but
20:56if you start with three meals a day no snacks and cut the carbs now your body now it’s gonna drop insulin and you’re
21:03not going to be as hungry so you can go longer without eating so now you start fasting okay so the ideal scene is to be
21:11able to do this do three meals and then you wake up in the morning and you ask yourself am i hungry you go no don’t eat
21:18and you keep pushing you’re your breakfast further and further and further and further until there is no purchased and you get two meals lunch
21:25and dinner okay you do that for a while and then what you want to do with this is you want to start pushing these
21:31noodles closer and closer so eat later because you’re not hungry remember you’re you’re going you’re going and the
21:37hungry eventually you’re going to be going till maybe one o’clock and you’re like well I’m not even hungry or maybe
21:44even three o’clock I’m not even hungry and then you’ll be hungry then you’ll eat but let your body tell you when to
21:51eat this is kind of a natural process of adapting to your fat reserves an average
21:57person who doesn’t have a lot of extra weight to lose as a hundred thousand calories of fat sitting on their bodies
22:05okay so but the ideal is to go step one and step two which is worse squishing or
22:10earth eating window to a four hour window okay so one to five let’s see two three four
22:19five yeah so four hours of eating right here and then we got a 20 hour fasting
22:25okay that’s going to be huge but some of you might already be doing this and you’re still not losing weight okay so
22:32so you’re going to ask them what do I do well I’m showing you all the strategies one step at a time and then if it’s not
22:39working for you but let’s Eider you don’t have a gallbladder they took out your thyroid to go through menopause you
22:44died in your whole life you have no metabolism and you’re exercising six
22:50hours a day and you’re still not working just stay tuned I’ll show you what to do
22:56okay so I already said this okay the best clue that it’s working is that
23:02your hunger disappears okay if your hunger is still there you still have an insulin problem so as the hunger
23:08disappears you know it’s starting to work ride the way it go as long as possible until you’re at one meal a day
23:14I have so many people right now that are doing one in the day without any probably feel great and they can lose a
23:21lot of weight most people some people can’t I’m gonna tell you what to do you’re in that boat
23:27but one meal a day gives you like 23 hours of fasting this is huge because 23
23:33hours of fasting is going to give you an amazing ability to repair and heal and
23:41run your body on fat okay and you’re gonna feel good you can have more energy
23:48but some people are not going to be able to do now so what they’re gonna have to
23:56do is do one meal every other day now I
24:02don’t recommend jumping into this get to one meal a day and then just ask yourself am i hungry and the answer is
24:10no then don’t eat go another day without eating that will work for a lot of people that
24:17just you what’s happening with the with people that can’t lose weight even on all mad which is one meal a day their
24:23metabolism is wrecked I mean they did something in the past you know screw them up it could be severe insulin
24:30resistance it could be some diabetes it could be something when you do this every other day eating you are going to
24:38run you’re not starving you’re gonna run off your stored fat a heck of a lot more and that’s when you’re gonna start
24:44seeing huge changes like huge changes do I recommend it for everyone no but for
24:50those people that need to do this it’s an option I want I want to give you tools so you know have a backup strategy
24:57if something doesn’t work so this is kind of a pie chart that I want you to look at most keto plans have 70 or even
25:0780 percent fat in this extreme plan it’s fifty five percent fat and it’s thirty
25:13nine percent protein so it’s a little bit it’s adjusted okay so you’re doing a
25:20little more protein a little less fat because we want we want to tap into it if we increase the fat a little bit more
25:26and decrease the protein what happens is we we don’t get the right ratios with
25:32someone with the slow metabolism so this is kind of a little kind of a hack of a thing that I found that seems to work
25:39notice that we have mandatory vegetables in there to get okay with them with
25:45fiber of course non starchy leafy greens I’ve never met any person that had
25:54slower weight loss by eating a salad unless they had like some intestinal
26:00bloating or something like that which could be a situation notice that
26:06the carb is 1% and I’m building that in there because like maybe lemon water which I recommend you take lemon juice
26:13take the little juice like one ounce in your water every day just to help you
26:18with when you’re in keto ketosis some people potentially have more uric acid
26:25and the lemon juice will count on that some people develop more stones the
26:32lemon juice will help help you with that if your stone phone former that means
26:38that you have a situation where it’s super concentrated urine and your
26:45kidneys and that’s where you develop the stone one very simple guarantee to
26:50prevent a stone will just be to consume minimally 2 litres of water a day it’s
26:56not too bad 2 to 2 2 to 3 liters a day of water and I recommend you exercise to
27:02sweat as well but that fluid with some apple cider vinegar with some lemon then
27:09your kidneys will never have a super concentrated fluid in there to velop
27:14stones you’ll prevent the stones okay little tip all right so all right we got
27:21the carbs low we got protein we got fat vegetables okay we’re not done yet we
27:30have other tools that we can add periodic prolonged fasting we talked about intermittent fasting going one
27:38meal a day and potentially one meal every other day that’s one strategy but there’s some other things you can do to
27:45take it to the next level especially if you have a let’s see it Alzheimer’s or you have Parkinson’s or you have some
27:51type of autoimmune condition or or you just want to pick up the pace this is
27:56very very very powerful because periodic prolonged fasting can create increased
28:03stem cells you can grow new brain cells you can drop information like you’ve
28:09never seen before in your body so every so often maybe once a month you do a 48
28:15to 72 hours once a month powerful powerful it’s very anti-cancer to tumors can’t
28:23live on ketones by the way all right and then you come weekends to do a 48-hour fast of course if you’re doing ever the
28:29other day you’ll probably hit that right here won’t you but the point is you want
28:34to do these periodic fast here in their periodic prolonged fasting okay here are
28:42some tips do it gradually because you don’t know your your mineral reserve you
28:49don’t know how many how much how many vitamins that you’re deficient in sub clinically or more nutrients or minerals
28:56so you want to go into this kind of gradually so you don’t like deplete
29:02yourself this is why I recommend taking electrolytes analysis B vitamins in C so
29:07while you’re doing this just to make sure you know and then you’re gonna be fine there was a guy who fasted though
29:14he took the record 384 days I think was no food but he was medically supervised
29:19but he took nutrients okay electrolytes P vitamins sea salt so anyway do it
29:27gradually add sea salts you need one one
29:34teaspoon of sea salt per day count average one teaspoon per day some of
29:41this is going to be built in the food but you need that okay you can even have it to some water as well slowly not the
29:47whole thing also electrolytes I’m not biased and I’m being sarcastic that I have the best
29:53electrolytes out there but you might want to try mine because it has a thousand milligrams of potassium that’s
29:59it’s in the form of citrate okay which is really anti stone so it’s going
30:05to combine with any potential oxalates that you get from spinach or any other food that you’re eating like almonds but
30:11you’re not doing almonds but the point is that it can actually counter potential stones
30:16it also has magnesium citrate in it it has calcium citrate and medicine
30:23chlorides in there is a sea salt but it’s not big on sea salt so it’s not like a salt replacement you just have to
30:29add so it’s more ville electrolytes and it also has trace minerals in there so it’s it’s pretty
30:35darn good no sugar no molten dextran high quality stuff the B vitamins very
30:40essential I recommend you get it from nutritional yeast I do also have something you could try itself it’s in a
30:46tablet I take them I chew them they’re kind of big tablets you can swallow them
30:52to chew them but B vitamins are natural get the one that’s unfortified here’s it
30:57just a picture of mine you should only use tablets non fortified but I did add b12 and then this is the electrolytes I
31:05have I have a a lemon raspberry flavor I have a new one coming out which is
31:10orange it’s really good it’s not I don’t think it’s out yet it should you might want to check by the time you’re
31:17watching this I don’t know but there’s two different flavors and then I’ll have them in packs but you take one scoop
31:22today and it gives you a lot of potassium the minerals help with insulin resistance as well here’s another hack
31:30rotating the times you eat okay so let’s say for example you have this pattern and you’re eating one meal a day
31:35at 6 o’clock well let your body tell me what need may be the next day you’re eating at night you’re doing one meal a
31:42day let’s say at this point you’re not doing every other day let’s say you do three o’clock and then the next day you do four o’clock next day and you seven
31:50o’clock you can rotate that does have to be at the same time if you rotate okay and then you also stagger your prolonged
31:58fasting so it’s kind of irregular it really will help you lose even more
32:03weight because your body gets so used to this thing that it starts to adapting
32:09you could start getting used to its are slowing down so you want to kind of surprise your body same thing with the
32:15exercise you switch up your powder and every so often and it’s called muscle confusion apple cider vinegar very very
32:23very very important to help with insulin resistance it’ll help to lower insulin
32:29and what you do is you take a tablespoon I take two tablespoons I put in a big thing of water and I usually drink my
32:37good portion my water and one but it really will help you add lemon in there it can be just lemon
32:44juice or an actual imminent stress reduction okay long walks on the days
32:51that you don’t work out are very good for stress but I also have you can on your own time watch I’ll do a search of
32:57dr. Burke stress webinar I actually walk you through five different techniques that you can do on yourself
33:04or get someone to do it on you to drop your stress level then help enhance your
33:10sleep okay because it’s all about dropping course off but this is a good
33:16video to watch on stress sleep if you
33:22get more sleep you have better insulin levels you have better blood Sugar’s you’d be less hungry you’ll lose more weight most the
33:30fat is burned at night if you’re not sleeping that could be the big reason why you’re not losing weight I will say
33:37though as you do this the requirement for sleep goes down but it’s very very important to get enough sleep so I would
33:47if I were you I would try to get eight hours okay can you take a nap to help
33:53that absolutely but the sleep is going to be key the stress reduction techniques I show you will help enhance
34:00the sleep going for a long walks will help doing help to sleep the electrolytes will help to sleep the B
34:07vitamins help to sleep so a lot of things will kind of come together for you there are certain sleep aids that I
34:12have online if you need them but you don’t want to start taking melatonin and
34:18that’s one being one taste exercise okay there’s some tips with exercise I want
34:24to talk about again we’re just gonna combine all these different really cool things exercise is only responsible for
34:3315% of your weight loss so it’s not the big thing but it does other things it’ll
34:39start to build if you do regular periodic exercise over time it creates a
34:45lot of oxidative stress but your body adapts and it starts to build up a
34:53network of antioxidants your body actually makes any accents a bigger bigger group that will actually
35:00protect the damage that even when your cells are making from the exercise so
35:05that’s one way to build up it’s called your antioxidant Network I did a video on that recently and I think it’s the
35:11anti-aging video but exercise exercise very very vital to just add to
35:18everything I would highly recommend you exercise in your fasting state when you
35:24haven’t eaten that will spike growth hormone okay so that’s one thing number
35:30two the intensity exercise is what spikes growth on them the more intense the more growth hormone growth hormone
35:36is the main fat burning hormone the ideal best exercise to stimulate growth
35:42I’m going to be sprinting sprinting is very painful because it’s like an explosive thing but if you could do
35:48seven cycles of a thirty second sprint that would be hot you might not be up to it that’s fine do your bike do your
35:56aerobic class spin bike let do something
36:01that would be important you would spike the most growth hormone okay let’s say
36:07you spike the most growth hormone to seven seven hundred percent more when you’re sprinting that’s huge
36:14most people have to gradually ease into this yeah okay so use a full body type
36:20exercise like burpees and planks and plyometrics jumping rope spinning versus
36:26like just weights here’s the thing when
36:32you do fasting that can stimulate growth hormone by 2,000 percent in men thirteen
36:39hundred percent women so you can see exercise is only seven seven hundred percent but still we got a good
36:45situation because we have this this growth hormone that is into aging you can start looking good as you losing
36:51weight okay then we have interval training which I recommend the magic
36:57timeframe of doing interval trainings between 20 and 40 minutes okay if you do it longer you tend to lose your gains
37:04because you overdo it and you over train if you’re over the age of 40 you
37:09definitely need to do two times a week maybe once a week and gradually go into it my wife and I were on fifty-fifty we
37:19got 54 she’s 55 or 6 don’t quote me but
37:24here’s the thing we work we we do hardcore interval training twice a week
37:30and on the other days I will work some other muscles and things but I’ll do
37:35cardio I’ll do the bike every other day and so I’m doing hills or things like
37:41that but it takes a while for your body recover its best it’s best when you work
37:46out to get to the point where you’re doing it enough so you’re sore then wait
37:53you fully recover then to do some exercise and you’re trying to you’re kind of halfway going through it you’re
37:58not sore and you’re doing that more frequently you’re not gonna see the gains when I get sore okay so you have
38:06to increase the intensity or maybe even the volume okay guys I just gave you a
38:13tremendous amount of summarized information it might it might seem simple but it took me a long time to
38:18kind of make it simple I have this entire program in a document that you
38:25can download it’s called t2 on steroids chichi chichi and it’s an updated version from my
38:33original one and I do charge for it it’s very very expensive it’s a dollar and
38:39the reason I do this because I just don’t want to give every single thing away for free I want you to at least
38:45invest something so you’ll actually if you invest in something you’ll actually I found you’ll take advantage of it more
38:51you’ll implement it more than if everything is just giving tree so it does cost a dollar you can go to dr.
38:56brew calm and it’s just keno – on – steroids okay so it’s dr. burr comport
39:02slash key tip – on – terror is it should be linked down below you can get the
39:07summary sheet download it follow it get all the details implement it it won’t
39:13work and I’m telling you everything that I’ve tried over the years after I’ve
39:20been approached 29 years I personally worked one with over 40,000 people and I tried so
39:27many different things this is the thing that is the most powerful that you
39:33should focus on the most now you have the ability if you can go through this to turn up the dial as much as you want
39:40or down as low as you want because this is strict this is extreme this is
39:46hardcore so you might not be there with your discipline but you might be like
39:52really really good within a minute fasting but you’re not perfect with the carbs okay good well then do more and
39:59more fasting or let’s say you’re not really good at dinner fasting but you’re good with the cars or let’s say you’re
40:05not good with UNAMID fasting nor the carbs then you’re gonna need to go really quality food at least you’re
40:12getting good quality food right so anyway I gave you a lot of parts of the
40:17parts of this puzzle now it’s up to you to get started get started and please
40:23give me your success story as well thank you so much for attending this webinar
40:31and I hope you enjoyed it and comment below if you did enjoy it thank you