Intermittent Fasting – Busting the Myths

Jason Fung Lecture on Busting the Myths of Intermittent Fasting

Demystifying Fasting: Debunking the Myths in this Comprehensive Lecture

Jason Fung

Intermittent Fasting – Busting the Myths Lecture | Jason Fung

“Demystifying Fasting: Debunking the Myths in this Comprehensive Lecture 📚💡
In this enlightening lecture, we take a deep dive into the world of intermittent fasting, separating fact from fiction. Discover the truth behind the common myths and misconceptions surrounding this powerful dietary practice.

🍽️ Uncover the myth of slowing metabolic rate and explore the science behind fasting, including insights from the diet of ‘The Biggest Loser’ contestants. We’ll discuss the delicate balance between energy and hormones and how fasting influences your body.

🍲 Delve into the complex relationship between fasting and hunger, and how it affects metabolic rate. We’ll explore the hormones vs. calories debate, providing a comprehensive understanding of the factors at play.

🕑 Learn why some people may hesitate to fast and how to overcome these reservations. Understand the remarkable benefits of fasting, from weight management to improved health.

🍔 Discover how much you can eat during fasting periods and the role of insulin and sleep in the fasting process.

⏳ The wait is over. Join us in this myth-busting lecture to gain a deeper knowledge of intermittent fasting and how it can positively impact your life.

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▶️ Timestamps / Chapters
0:00 Intro
0:34 Why is it so hard to stick to a diet?
1:27 Environmental Triggers & Automatic Behaviours
4:57 How environment Triggers leads to automatic behaviours?
6:06 How one can change his/her environment?
10:12 Problem of weight loss is not a lack of will power
10:31 Weight loss journey of Linda

11:12 Outro

👉 The Obesity Code – Reviewing underlying physiology of weight loss and how low
carb diets and fasting can help.…
👉 The Diabetes Code – Reviewing how type 2 diabetes is a reversible disease and
dietary strategies.…
👉 The Cancer Code – Scientific exploration of how cancer develops –…
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▶️ The Roots of the Obesity Epidemic: https:
// • The Obesity Epidemic, Explained
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// • Fasting and Weight Loss – Solving the…
▶️ Does Calorie Counting work?:
• Why Calorie Counting rarely leads to …
▶️ Two Big Lies of Type 2 Diabetes:
• Two Big Lies about Type 2 Diabetes
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IntermittentFastingBustingtheMythsLecture #IntermittentFasting #FastingMyths #MetabolicRate #HormonesVsCalories #HealthAndWellness #DietaryPractices #FastingBenefits #MythBustingLecture #jasonfung



0:04so um what I’m going to talk about today is sort of focused on weight loss although uh weight loss has many

0:10dimensions and um you know in terms of Public Health it’s really in a very important aspect of metabolic disease

0:18things like type two diabetes which contribute to heart disease and stroke and so on so it’s much more than just a

0:24cosmetic issue it’s actually a huge health issue which I deal with all the time as a kidney specialist and the

0:30biggest cause of kidney uh disease in Canada is really type two diabetes so

Why is it so hard to stick to a diet?

0:35the point about uh type two diabetes is that we treated it for many years with just you know giving medications and so

0:41on um and we sort of ignored the fact that the disease itself quickly reversed

0:46once you lost weight so everybody knew this actually if you lost weight you your diabetes would get get better or go

0:53away and the point is that if you don’t have type two diabetes you really can’t get diabetic kidney disease so that’s

0:59how I became very interested in the problem of weight loss um so this is uh

1:05the biggest loser it’s an American uh reality show where people compete to lose the most weight and uh very early

1:12on they recognized this is one of the contestants that the the television show never does a reunion and they said why

1:19well because we’re all fat again and unfortunately um they that’s the big

1:24problem with weight loss is that people can lose weight but often times they regain it back so from a health

Environmental Triggers & Automatic Behaviours

1:30standpoint that’s not really a big win so if you look at the the diet of the

1:36biggest loser it’s actually a fairly standard diet that you could see in the in the US News rankings for example it’s

1:42ranked as one of the best diets for weight loss and if you look at the the specifics of how they tell people to

1:47lose weight it’s fairly standard advice the same advice that I learned as a medical student you reduce the number of

1:54calories that you eat you try and increase your exercise and this is what

1:59most people call like a eat less move more strategy and it seems very intuitive if you eat less calories if

2:05you increase exercise or increase the expenditure of calories you are going to lose weight but just because it seems

2:13obvious doesn’t mean that is actually true so the question is does this actually work and we actually have lots

2:19and lots of data to to to fall back on the biggest study was the Women’s Health

2:25Initiative which was published many years ago now 2006 what they did was they took almost 20,000 women and they

2:34basically told them to eat less fat and cut their calories and they just

2:39followed them to see what would happen so you can see that if you look look at the total energy at the beginning they’re eating about 1788 calories at

2:46follow up 1445 giving a caloric deficit of 361

2:51calories per day and uh what they did was they reduced the energy from fat so

2:57it’s a lowfat diet uh and they increase the amount of carbohydrates because the easiest way to reduce calories is to

3:04reduce fat of course and they increase their exercise so these are Mets per week so that’s metabolic equivalence you

3:10see went from 10 to 11.4 so on average they increase their exercise uh by about

3:1710% so that’s pretty good right so 360 calories per day less increased exercise

3:23if you just calculate the total number of calories most people would say these people should be losing about 30 pounds

3:30per year based on that caloric deficit so 30 pounds per year sounds pretty good

3:36but what actually happened is much less than that so you can see that at year

3:42one these people did lose weight but it’s about 2 kilograms so instead of uh

3:4930 pounds uh 15 kilos you’re looking at 2 kilograms 5 pounds but by year two

3:57year three year four that difference go Away by the end of the study in fact

4:02there was no difference between those people who were doing this eat less move more diet and those people who just

4:08simply followed their own diet there’s barely uh point you know less than a pound difference less than a half a kilo

4:16different so what happened there like this is the biggest randomized control

4:22trial we’ve ever done on studies like this and really every single trial we’ve

4:28done on diet has shown this

4:35so sorry um I’m getting some feedback here

4:41somebody could put on mute uh yes can everyone uh make sure you mute yourself please thank

4:47you so if you look at the average uh weight loss of subjects completing a

4:53minimum of one year of any sort of dietary trial you can see that the weight loss of diet alone

How environment Triggers leads to automatic behaviours?

5:00is sort of zero so basically and this goes out and and the longer it goes the

5:06worse it is right so if you use very low energy diets so these are things like 800 calorie a day diet so it’s

5:14extremely uh low you see at six months it gets very low but even by two years

5:20it’s it you’re really losing almost all of the benefits so by three years you’re

5:26sort of at six kilos not bad but you can see the trend is is is poor and from a health standpoint again you’re

5:32interested in long-term weight loss not a six-month blip uh of it if you look at

5:39uh sort of real world data you can see that the this is a a UK general practice

5:45database if you look at the uh probability of success of achieving a

5:51normal weight by initial BMI in sort of the most optimistic uh conditions of men

5:58or women uh BM I 30 to35 which is sort of classified as obese but not morbidly

6:04obese this is so this is the least of the obese categories the probability

How one can change his/her environment?

6:10using this sort of eat less move more strategy which again is the standard medical advice for the last 50 years and

6:17continues to be promoted by most authorities um the probability of success is 0.5% and women 8% right so

6:25that means a failure rate of 99.5% this is across everybody right so if you

6:32fail at losing weight well you’re really using this strategy you’re really in the vast vast

6:40vast majority so the thing is that you know years ago when people looked at the

6:46actual success of this eat less move more diet virtually every academic knew

6:53it didn’t work so joselyn’s diabetes this is a textbook it’s a classic sort of standard textbook of uh diabetes in

7:012005 it says well while the reduction of caloric intake so eat less is the Cornerstone of any therapy for obesity

7:09none of these approaches has any proven Merit that is eat less move more has never been proven to work the handbook

7:16of obesity even way back in 1998 again it says dietary therapy is the Cornerstone reduction of energy intake

7:24so they’re focusing on caloric reduction is the basis of successful weight loss programs

7:30yet the results of such diet are known to be poor and not longlasting so it

7:35wasn’t a it wasn’t a uh surprise that nobody was losing weight the this diet

7:41this eat less move more diet has been known to fail and in fact we we know exactly why

7:48it doesn’t work so there’s two major problems with standard uh sort of weight

7:53loss diets in terms of eating less and moving more focusing purely on calories and exercise one is a slowing metabolic

8:02rate so when you look at this sort of energy balance equation body fat equals

8:07calories in minus calories out okay so this is the standard equation and and

8:12it’s always true however it doesn’t tell you what people think it tells you people look at this and say well you

8:18need a caloric deficit calories in minus calories out to lose body fat and this

8:23is that so all you know the calories of calories so all calories they say are equal in terms of the fattening effect

8:30which is not actually true however what you have to understand from this equation is that it’s a balanced

8:36equation it’s an energy balance equation which means there are three variables here and if you simply change one of

8:43those variables calories in you can balance that equation by lowering body

8:49fat so eat less lose body fat right that’s great and people say this is oh

8:55the first law of thermodynamics if you eat less you will necessarily lose body fat that’s not actually true it’s

9:01completely false actually because there are three variables you lower this

9:06variable calories in you could very well balance by losing body fat which is great or you could lower calories out

9:14right your metabolic rate goes down you balance this equation however you do not

9:19lose any body fat right so it doesn’t break any laws of thermodynamics so anybody who says well it’s the first law

9:26of thermodynamics it’s just physics obviously does not understand and Physiology calories are from physics not

9:33physiology so the question is which is true if you eat less do you lose body

9:39fat which we actually know is not true or does your metabolic rate go down

9:44because if you’re eating 500 calories a day less or 360 in the ter in terms of

9:49the Women’s Health if you’re eating 300 calories a day less but you’re burning 300 calories a day less well then you’re

9:56not going to lose body fat that’s just pure thermodynamics so we’ve actually known that people slow

10:04their metabolic rate in response to caloric reduction they’ve known it for more than a hundred years so what they

10:10did in 1917 in you know Carnegie Institute was they took people and they reduced their

Problem of weight loss is not a lack of will power

10:17calories by 30% they reduced them for to 1,400 to 2100 calories a day and what

10:23they found was that people got very cold they said it was almost impossible to keep warm even with an excessive amount

10:30of clothing in other words their body wasn’t using the energy to generate body

Weight loss journey of Linda

10:36heat because it didn’t have that energy so it wasn’t generating that much body

10:41heat which means they were cold and when they measured their uh metabolic rate

10:46people drop their metabolic rate by 30% which almost exactly matches the 30%

10:52calorie reduction so eating 30% less burning 30% less body fat stays the same

10:59when they got out of it of course they got excess eating and they regained their weight almost

11:05immediately this is a uh metanalysis a summary of 29 published studies from

11:111991 which shows the change in resting metabolic rates so remember this is the amount of calories that you are going to


11:18burn okay in response to calorie restriction reduce your calories what

11:23happens to your metabolic rate well in virtually every single study done to

11:29date and this is 1991 so that’s almost 30 years ago so we knew this data 30 years ago if you eat less you will burn

11:37less between say 10 and 20% less calories that is what happens on every

11:45single scientific study we do and what they said is that the first statement we can make with some certainty is that a

11:52decrease in energy expenditure is a universal response to energy restriction so here’s our strategy right this is

11:59what we tell people to do to lose weight eat less energy restriction and yet the

12:05scientific data tells us that in virtually everybody this is a universal response so you eat less energy

12:11restriction the response will be a decrease in energy expenditure which is of course going to limit your body fat

12:19loss we’ve shown this over and over again this is a classic study from the New England Journal of Medicine 1995 and

12:26what they did was they actually force fed people to gain weight and then they they they cut their calories to make

12:32them lose weight and again if you gain weight your metabolic rate goes up so if

12:37people gain weight they’re burning about 500 calories a day more the body is trying to burn that that that energy off

12:44as they go back to initial weight their energy expenditure goes down and then as they lose weight their energy

12:49expenditure goes to negative so negative 300ish calories per day so that’s going

12:56to limit of course oops your weight loss so going back to the Biggest Loser uh

13:03that’s the American game show we see exactly the same uh phenomenon so as

13:08people lose weight there week six week 30 this is they eat less move more what happens is that people lose a good

13:15amount of weight like in this case 60 kilos so a lot and most of it is body fat so it’s really good 329 to 202

13:22pounds body F goes down to 49% however what happens to the

13:28metabolic rate is that that it drops very very severely so this fellow for example went from burning 3 3500

13:34calories all the way down to like 1,800 calories so that’s a lot even if this

13:41person decides that he’s going to eat or she’s going to eat 2,000 calories a day

13:48right that’s a lot less than they used to eat that’s like 1,500 calories a day less they’re still going to regain that

13:54weight because their metabolic rate has slowed so severely and you see this over time so this is

14:02their me this is their resting metabolic rate which is you know your heart your brain your lungs your kidney and this is

14:08non-resting which is exercise right so during this study they exercise a lot so they make up for their falling metabolic

14:15rate by increasing exercise and then as the exercise drops you can see the total

14:22metabolic rate goes down but the r the the the the metabolism the basil metabolism has Contin

14:29the same drop and you the hope is always that your your energy expenditure your

14:35metabolic rate is going to go back up over time it actually doesn’t it just keeps staying down and it’s maintained

14:42over years so again the point is that calories are food energy okay and it’s

14:48very different from the hormones which are the instructions to your body to what to do with those calories you know

14:55classic sort of eat less move more focuses purely on the calories and doesn’t worry about what’s happening

15:00with the hormones you have to understand that there’s again it’s three components

15:05you have the food that you eat so the energy going in which is like coal for a burn for a power plant for example when

15:12you eat this is energy those are calories okay so that’s the food energy

15:17but what do you do with it do you store it or do you burn it and for that you

15:23need to fix the hormones because the energy comes in insulin goes up okay

15:29that’s the hormone that tells your body energy is coming in I’m going to burn some I’m going to store some but what

15:34you cannot do is take energy from your stores and burn it right because your body says Hey energy is coming in I want

15:41to store it I want to burn it but I’m not going to take energy stores which is body fat right and burn it so you cannot

15:48burn body fat while your insulin levels are high because that’s just physiology

15:54that’s just the hormones it’s only when you drop your insulin when your body

16:00says oh I’m not going to eat that the the energy can come out from your fat stores so what’s important here is not

16:07just the calories that are coming in but what’s happening to your hormones are you allowing your period are you

16:13allowing your body to lower its insulin which is not eating right if you’re

16:18eating insulin is going to go up it’s only when you’re not eating that insulin is going to drop which is going to allow

16:24you to take stored energy out so what we hope happens is this as you

16:31decrease your energy in your fat stores go down your basil metabolic rate stays the same but what actually happens is

16:38that as you drop your energy in your energy out your metabolic rate goes down and your fat start stay the same and

16:45that’s because of the high insulin the second problem is hunger and what you

16:50see is that this is a study from New England Journal of Medicine and what they did was they follow people over a

16:55year and they looked at uh people who lost weight and they measured their hunger they

17:01measured their gelin as well which is a hunger hormone and what they find is that compared to Baseline this is

17:07Baseline in the black week 10 week 62 their hunger levels and their gellin

17:13levels which is another hormone are actually significantly higher at all time points so before they eat and even

17:21as they’re eating to when they’re e not eating so this is the gellin which is

17:26the hunger hormone you see much much higher so as people lose weight they’re

17:31actually going to be hungrier okay and this is not just some Voodoo it’s not like oh because they haven’t eaten

17:37they’re psychologically more likely to eat no it’s because their hormones their gellin is higher which is making them

17:44hungrier same thing with peptide y y which is a satiety hormone so if this is

17:50low it means you’re hungry satiety is fullness so the higher it is the more full you are and again same thing as

17:57people lose weight that’s that they are hungrier it’s not just psychological

18:03it’s not low willpower these people are physiologically more hungry than you are

18:09so the whole problem is those two if you lose weight then you don’t fix the

18:15hormones that that that that that have these two problems you get uh as you lose weight you’re going to slow your

18:21metabolic rate you’re going to increase your hunger which is of course going to lead to regaining that weight that’s why

18:28it happen in 99.5% of people and if you don’t address these two physiological issues that is

18:35it’s not some you know this happens to this person because they have low willower it’s because their their

18:41hormones are completely out of whack this is what happens you eat less calories you lose weight your body

18:47adapts by making you more hungry and burning less calories which is going to make you regain that weight right so you

18:54double down and you eat even fewer calories then you lose more weight you’re body continues to low you’re cold

19:01you’re tired you’re hungry but you’re regaining weight and

19:07it’s not because of low willpower it’s because this is what we’ve told our body

19:12to do using this simple strategy of focusing purely on the calories so the

19:17ultimate proof of course is in all of us right every study we’ve done and all the

19:22anecdotal data from people everybody knows how hard it is to lose weight is it because it’s really hard to lose

19:29weight or the strategy that we’ve used is simply not that effective so why fasting so you know

19:37what is fasting really fasting is simply a period of time that you don’t eat

19:42that’s it there’s nothing more complicated than that it’s a natural sort of balance between feeding right

19:48feeding your insulin is going to go up you’re going to store calories burn calories and there’s a period where your

19:54insulin should go down and as you go down no more food is coming in you’re going to take the body fat and you’re

20:00going to burn it for energy and of course that’s natural I mean that’s where the English word breakfast comes

20:05in you meal that breaks your fast that’s because we acknowledge in our language

20:11that fasting is simply part of the natural cycle feeding and fasting you can’t feed all the time and you can’t

20:17fast all the time the problem um is that people thought we should eat sort of six

20:23to 10 small meals a day which is going to keep your insulin levels high and never allow you to get into the state

20:29where you’re burning your stores right if you’re continually putting fuel in if

20:34you’re continually eating insulin’s going to stay high you’re not going to be able to burn your fat your

20:40grandmother might have said oh you need time to digest the food that you eatting same idea you need to balance okay and

20:47what fasting is is simply a transition from eating your carbohydrates you know

20:52because a lot of us eat sort of a carbohydrate based diet to Fat oxidation

20:58right that’s really all that fasting is so how does this address those two major problems of basal metabolic rate well

21:06what we see what we everybody thinks is that if you don’t eat your body is going

21:11to burn less energy that’s not actually true because again if you look at the

21:17studies of what happens when people don’t eat this is a study where they’ve gone from day one of fasting and they’ve

21:24measured how many calories are you burning and it’s really after four days of not eating it’s gone up from about 4

21:32to 4.4 it’s increased its metabolic rate you are burning about 10% more

21:38calories after not having eaten for four days and why is that well it’s because

21:43again it’s the hormones when we don’t eat the hormone insulin Falls but other hormones go up and these are called the

21:50counterregulatory hormones and those include things like norepinephrine and increased sympathetic tone so the

21:56sympathetic nervous system is the is our fight or flight response it’s noradrenaline you’re actually pumping

22:03your body full of nor adrenaline because your body is actually taking it stores of energy so it’s not decreasing the

22:09amount of energy that’s burning it’s increasing the amount of energy that’s burning but it’s switching fuel sources

22:15from the food that you eat to the body fat that you stored away this is the same uh thing it shows that if you look

22:23at a 72-hour fast and what happens to human adapost tissue which is fat what

22:29you see is that noradrenaline norepinephrine goes up and up and up right so insulin is going down right so

22:35this is before the fast day one day four so three days of not eating your insulin

22:41goes down which is what it’s supposed to do your uh resting energy expenditure uh your body weight goes

22:48down so it’s down two kilos your resting energy expenditure which is the amount of calories you’re burning went up from

22:541684 to 1721 so remember when you the eat less move more your energy

23:00expenditure continually going down when you’re fasting it goes up in response to

23:06the hormones because you’ve allowed the insulin to fall and the norepinephrine

23:11the adrenaline to go up and again this is a study on uh a comparison between uh

23:17caloric restriction which is CR and Alternate daily fasting and again if you look at the um the uh the the calories

23:27right so it alternate daily fasting it was down by about 29 calories but the P

23:33value here is not significant which means that it’s not it’s not you can’t tell that this is a real effect whereas

23:39the caloric restriction you’ve gone down by 76 which is a significant result is statistically significant

23:46result so to understand it you know you just have to look at this so This Is the calorie restricted model you’re focusing

23:52purely on calories you’re eating all the time you’re eating uh very lowfat diet

23:57which is high in insulin so insulin is high all the time remember when insulin is high you cannot access your fat

24:03stores so let’s start with a cal 2,000 calories in going going in 2,000

24:09calories coming out so you’re not gaining weight you’re not losing weight right you’re you’re burning what you

24:14take you’re eating breakfast snack lunch snack dinner snack right this is eating five six times a day insulin is up

24:21insulin is up you can’t get fat stores now you want to lose weight so people say just cut 500 calories a day that’s

24:28all you need to do right well what happens is that your insulin is high

24:33because you’re eating fewer calories but you’re still eating all the time fat

24:38can’t Supply the extra 500 calories you need so therefore what happens is that your metabolic rate must go down that’s

24:46the only way to balance this equation there’s three variables there is no caloric deficit there is never a caloric

24:53deficit there three variables that must balance energy in energy out and fat

24:59stores right this is what happens so we know in real life this is what happen we

25:06know in every scientific study we’ve done this is what happens and this is

25:11why if you take the same number of calories but allow your insulin to fall with periodic fasting what happens here

25:18again 2,000 calories in 2,000 calories out you’ve got fat stores and remember your fat stores are like hundreds of

25:26thousands of calories right it’s not not 2,000 it’s many many days that you could eat well now you say okay well I’m going

25:33to reduce my calories to, 1500 calories per day by skipping these snacks skipping these meals right now what

25:41happens well your instant Falls so the energy simply comes from your fat stores

25:46now you got 1500 here 500 coming here 2,000 your metabolic rate does not have

25:52to go down in fact if it wanted to it could go up and take a little extra from the fat stores because the hormes are

25:58telling R to and that’s how you’re going to lose body fat it’s not the hormone it’s not the calories the calories in

26:05both situations are exactly the same it’s the hormones that you have to

26:11adjust the second problem is hunger everybody assumes that if you don’t eat for a period of time you’re

26:17going to be so hungry you’re going to have to stuff your face with donuts and that’s really bad well that’s not

26:23actually what happens so if you look at fasting in gellin so again remember gellin is the hunger hor higher it is

26:29the more hungry you are what happens when you skip lunch dinner and breakfast so first of all you see that there’s

26:35three spikes at breakfast lunch and dinner and that’s clearly shows that hunger is um you know a habit so if

26:43you’re used to eating breakfast you’re going to be hungry at breakfast because that’s why it goes up what happens when

26:49you don’t eat right so this is 24-hour fast the measured gellin at lunch you

26:54skip your lunch you’re you’re busy at 12 o’clock you’re hungry but you’re busy right you’re doing work you’re in a

27:00meeting you can’t eat well by four o’clock your gellin has actually Fallen right back down to Baseline which means

27:08that your hunger level at 4 o’clock is actually the same whether you ate lunch or didn’t eat lunch same for dinner

27:15you’re hungry at 7 o’clock 8 o’clock by 10 o’clock when you’re ready to go to

27:20bed your hunger your gillin levels have actually Fallen back to Baseline why

27:25because your body simply took those calories out of its fat stores so if

27:30you’re eating a thousand calories at dinner and one day you decide you have you skip dinner you’re too busy you’re

27:36ski dinner your body takes a th000 calories from your body fat which has say 200,000 calories of body fat now you

27:43have 199,000 calories of body fat take those thousand calories use it for energy

27:50you’re not hungry and that’s all that happens there’s nothing complicated to it but you have to let your insulin

27:56levels fall if you look over multiple days of fasting what’s very interesting is that it goes up it goes down right

28:04but over time your body simply gets used to it your gellin levels hunger levels are actually continuing fall over three

28:11four five days and that’s the secret to how people do things like hunger strikes and so on where they go weeks without

28:17eating because they’re actually not hungry they’re actually just feeding themselves on their body fat and men

28:24have it and women have an even more pronounced drop because they tend to have much higher levels of coralin just

28:30on average if you look at Cravings this is another thing uh in terms of food

28:36addiction a lot of people get addicted to certain foods you know whether it’s sweets or carbohydrates or fast foods or

28:42whatever and what you see is that if you go to a low uh low calorie diet that is

28:47if you simply reduce what you know the sweets by a little bit your Cravings

28:52actually don’t go down much so if you’re addicted to sweets candy and stuff and

28:59you simply cut it down those Cravings are very strong but if you cut it to zero those Cravings go way down which is

29:06the same as itching right if you’re itchy you need to stop scratching if you

29:12simply say oh I’m just going to scratch like 50% less when you scratch you’re going to get more itchy same thing with

29:19Cravings if you feed those Cravings it’s just going to stay up there doesn’t change but if you cut it out completely

29:25they completely go away it’s the same with food so you see that it’s what’s interesting actually is that the

29:30Cravings go down but after you refeed those Cravings actually don’t go back up

29:35to Baseline so even after six weeks where they took these General Cravings right really went way down as you sort

29:44of uh it’s simply an adjustment period it’s not forever it doesn’t go back up right away you get this period where

29:50you’re still going to reduce your craving and that again has implications in terms of hunger because if you’re no

29:56longer craving these Foods then you’re going to do better so again if you look at that study I I mentioned earlier

30:03where they’re looking at calorie restriction so again this is standard medical advice has been our

30:09standard advice for 50 years and you look at gellin so how hungry are these

30:15people you see that gellin has increased by 71 which is a P value of 04 which is

30:21statistically significant then much higher so these people are hungry if you simply reduce your calories you are

30:28going to get hungrier if you do alternate daily fasting it only goes up by 16.6 which is not statistically

30:36significant so uh you know the hunger is a really important thing because how

30:41much do you eat well it all really depends on how hungry you are right if you’re more hungry you’re going to eat

30:47and if you’re going to eat you know calorie restricted diet you’re going to still eat but just a little bit less

30:54you’re going to get more hungry and your metabolic rate is going to go down um

30:59and we know this of course right so if you think about what an appetizer is an appetizer is a small small piece of food

31:06so if you’re hungry and you eat an appetizer it makes you more hungry right

31:11it doesn’t make you less hungry so if you are simply using this calorie restricted model right you’re going to

31:17make yourself more hungry and then stop eating and do this all the time do this

31:24six times a day you’re going to eat a little bit of food that will make you more hungry

31:31and and then as opposed to fasting which is that you’re just GNA choose a period

31:36of time where you’re not eating and let your hunger go down so everybody thinks

31:42it’s about oh is it hormones or is it calories right and we’ve all been told sort of that’s all about calories right

31:48body fat equals calories in calories out and we say well this is your diet this is your exercise and it’s all within

31:53your control that’s why we say well if you’re overweight if you’re obese it’s your fault because you can control your

31:59diet you can control your exercise and that’s very very superficial thinking because really if you think about it why

32:06are you eating more right it’s all about hunger and it’s all about your metabolic rate not your exercise and these are not

32:13within your conscious control that is you can control your diet but you can’t

32:19decide to be less hungry you can’t decide to have a higher metabolic rate

32:24so therefore it’s really all about the hormone it’s not about the conscious

32:29control it’s not simply about oh eat less move more because you’re looking at the most

32:35superficial level of thinking when you start to go deeper you start to

32:40understand that it’s really about controlling the hunger not controlling the diet this is the proximal the

32:48proximate cause this is the ultimate cause or the root cause so if you’re excessively hungry you need to deal with

32:55that excessive hunger not simply say well just just don’t eat I mean that’s as as you know it’s as bizarrely stupid

33:03as saying to an alcoholic hey it’s all about alcohol in minus alcohol out

33:09therefore the solution is easy you just need to drink less alcohol here I’ve

33:15solved alcoholism just the same as people say hey it’s all about calories in calories out just eat less I’ve

33:22solved obesity you haven’t solved anything because you haven’t thought about the problem deep enough right in

33:29terms of alcoholism it is alcohol and mass alcohol out that is always true

33:34there’s never any truth to it but what is the deeper reason maybe these people are depressed maybe they have you know

33:42uh psychological trauma so we don’t treat those alcoholics by saying hey it’s your own fault you know it’s

33:48alcohol in minus alcohol out you have no willpower we treat them with therapy and we we we try and understand why are you

33:54drinking so much why are you on this self-destructive uh cycle yeah we don’t do that for all these people who are

34:01overweight which is grossly unfair because we’re saying to them and this is all the sort of gym crowd the Bro

34:07Science the conscious control oh just eat less move more no you have to understand why people are eating less

34:14and you have to understand the metabolic rate so in terms of long-term weight

34:20loss you have the chronic calorie restriction hunger increases metabolism decreas we know this in every single

34:27study of the last 50 years and people regain their weight as opposed to intermittent fasting where you’re doing

34:33the opposite right hunger is going to decrease your metabolic rate is going to stay stable or increase and that is

34:39going to help you maintain your weight loss so why don’t people fast well

34:44there’s a lot of myths around it one is for example that you’re going to burn muscle and the truth is that it your

34:50body’s not that stupid right so your body stores energy in the form of body

34:56fat and glucose when you don’t eat your body’s going to use body fat and glucose

35:03that’s it in order for you to burn muscle you’d have to believe that our body is simply so stupid as to store

35:10body fat in case we don’t eat and then as soon as we don’t eat burn muscle why

35:16would you do that it’s sort of like storing firewood for the winter soon as it gets cold you chop up your sofa and

35:22throw it in the fire why would you do that we didn’t come to be the dominant

35:27species of this planet by being so stupid and this is the study again showing the same thing if you look at

35:34alternate daily fasting what you can see is that fat Mass goes down but the fat

35:39free mass is maintained and again it’s because as insulin goes down growth hormone goes up which is going to

35:45maintain uh lean body mass same thing here if you look at the lean mass

35:51calorie restriction gives you um a the mass loss of 05% a gain of .5% because you’re losing

35:59body fat alternate daily fasting actually increases lean mass by like 2.2

36:04which is like four times better preservation of lean mass right so much much

36:11better the fifth people say well it’s great but you can’t do it but there are literally millions of people around the

36:17world so you look at the Buddhists if you look at the Muslims if you look at uh the uh the Jewish people if you look

36:24at Christians like there’s fasting all over the place so literally millions of people all around the world have lots of

36:30different fasting Traditions so the idea that you can’t do it is simply not true it’s simply that people uh have told you

36:38not to do it in fact I tell people to do it all the time so if people are going for surgery you can eat colonoscopy can

36:45eat after surgery can eat all kinds of reasons if you go for fasting blood work

36:51you have to fast so if I’m telling people every single day to fast why can’t people do it in order to lose body

36:58weight or reverse type two diabetes and if you actually this is a study they they they showed female Physicians and

37:06what they found was that if you ask doctors how do you lose weight this is

37:11female Physicians and on average their body mass index buil 25 so not bad they lost 13.5 13.2 pounds on average so

37:22Physicians who lost weight what did they use well for themselves

37:28they overwhelmingly chose intermittent fasting ketogenic diets low carbohydrate

37:34diets and prolonged fasting 75% did it for themselves to

37:40lose maintain weight ketogenic diets to for for patients though it’s only 35

37:4827% so we’re advising our patients to do other strategies but for ourselves we’re

37:55using fasting why because the doctors it works if you don’t eat you’re going to

38:00lose weight and there’s no reason why you can’t why you need to eat all the time there’s no physiologic reason why

38:07you need to stuff that muffin in your mouth if you’re not hungry and we’ve all done it all the doctors have done it

38:13we’ve all been so busy that we haven’t eaten for you know 16 20 24 hours we’ve

38:18all done it we’ve done it multiple times because sometimes in the emergency your slam so we know that it doesn’t do any

38:23harm we prescribe it for our patients and we do it for ourselves too this is just a graph to show some people

38:30say females can’t do it and really if you look at the average weight loss males versus females this is from a

38:36study from 1968 in fact there’s no difference so there’s you know there’s no reason why

38:43you can’t do fasting it’s just a part of natural um you know natural physiology you store calories if you don’t eat

38:50you’re going to use the stored calories which is body fat but there’s a lot of benefits to that because remember that

38:56this is you know a very simple thing you don’t have to explain it to anybody don’t eat right you want to try a Caleo

39:03diet well is it is it this is it that is it paleo is it not paleo is it fast you This Not That fasting just don’t eat uh

39:11it’s free so in those places where there’s not money and people have overweight so like lots of places in the

39:18United States for example lots of poverty in conjunction with obesity well

39:23you can’t do a strategy that’s going to cost a lot of money like geriatric surgery but this is not that this is completely

39:30free in fact it’s better than free because you’re not spending money on food it’s convenient you don’t have to

39:35shop you don’t have to cook you don’t have to clean up and you don’t have to eat you’re saving a lot of time it’s

39:41flexible that is if it’s Christmas time and you want to celebrate you don’t have

39:46to fast and you can do more the next week if you want to lose weight and really you can add it to any diet so

39:53fasting doesn’t dictate what diet you eat if you don’t eat meat or wheat or

39:59nuts you don’t have time you don’t have money you’re traveling you can add it to any diet so it really is sort of not

40:07part of the diet okay the diet is the foods that you choose to eat okay and we

40:13focus so uh sort of myopically on the diet is it keto is it paleo is it

40:20vegetarian is it this is that that we’ve completely forgotten there’s two parts to your eating day there’s what you eat

40:26and there’s the period of time that you don’t eat or you’re going to use those calories and both are very important so

40:33you choose what diet you want and um you know that’s a whole different discussion but you want to eat whatever diet you

40:40eat you can still add that fasting Peace So if you’re vegetarian because of

40:45religious reasons or whatever you can still be a vegetarian in fact if you eat Mediterranean you can still do

40:52mediterian fast it’s a lot better so the other thing of course it gives you

40:57unlimited power which is really important because it’s something that

41:04virtu get off get off so so it virtually always works get

41:12off remember that can everyone mute themselves thank you yeah thanks uh you really can’t go lower

41:20than zero right so when you’re fasting you’re eating zero calories no matter what diet you follow

41:26you’re cannot go lower than zero so really this is the most effective intervention for weight loss that exists

41:35there cannot be anything more powerful than that practically so and you can do

41:41it as long as you want that is if you’re if you decide you want to do a Mediterranean diet or a dash diet for

41:48weight loss that’s great but if you don’t lose weight you can’t get more Dash than Dash and you can’t get more

41:54vegetarian than vegetarian but you can continue to fast you can instead of 16

41:59hours you can do 20 hours you can do 24 hours you could do a week if you wanted to right you can always go up so that’s

42:07a huge Advantage because if you have severe disease like I deal with a lot of severe obesity a lot of type two

42:14diabetes you can ramp it up and get it powerful enough to actually lose the

42:20weight to reverse that type two diabetes and really help them in the future you can actually make them much

42:26healthier but it’s always under your control right if you do bariatric

42:31surgery great it works we know we have studies it works you cannot reverse that surgery that you’ve done

42:39you cut out your stomach your stomach is is like that you get complications you

42:44still can’t reverse it fasting is never that fasting is always under your control and because of all of those

42:50advantages you really have to start thinking about it as a tool it’s not something you have to use it’s just a

42:56tool in your toolbox but it’s a very powerful tool that has been used for

43:02thousands of years that is people say oh it’s just some fad diet right no it’s

43:07been used at least since ancient Greece right so you’re talking in thousands of

43:12years if there was a problem with fasting we probably would have found out

43:18about it 2,000 years ago not like oh you know the ancient Greeks fasted and it

43:23was really good for them and now it’s bad for us in 2022 no it doesn’t it doesn’t make sense that

43:32way and it’s actually much more important now than it ever was because again if you look at the the diseases

43:38that we face back then they fac diseases of you know infections and so on and now

43:45some of the most important problems we face now are related to obesity type two

43:51diabetes and metabolic disease so that’s that’s just one sort of uh quick

43:56snapshot on on fasting why it works why it doesn’t work and um you know I’m

44:01happy to take you question great thank you so much Dr fun this was really really helpful and

44:07insightful and I just also love to see all the studies um you know we know anecdotally that a lot of you know

44:14calories reducing does may not work but you know just seeing it like um from the studies is really really helpful I just

44:21have uh some kind of practical questions so obviously you know everyone understands fasting is basically not

44:28eating for a period of time I just want to know what would you say is the

44:33optimal kind of period of time to fast is there kind of an optimal peak time

44:39versus fasting for too long um or not really yeah there there’s so in terms of

44:45there’s two sort of uh parts to that one is the time of day so what if you skip

44:52breakfast versus skipping dinner for example that’s a great question because it’s actually quite important um the the

45:00most uh effective way to fast is actually to cut out your late night

45:06eating so late night eating dinner skipping dinner is actually much more effective than skipping breakfast when

45:11you eat breakfast you’re going to use it throughout the day and then when you’re sleeping you’re going to use your body

45:17fat store so it’s much more effective if you’re going to um you know do say a 16-hour fast or a 24-hour fast if you’re

45:24eating one meal a day you’re going to lose fat more effectively if you skip dinner versus skipping breakfast however

45:33you have to balance that with how easy it is for you to do because remember

45:38these are all habits and for most of the people in North America we follow this

45:44sort of schedule where we go to work you know and then we have dinner with our family so it’s really a lot harder from

45:52a social standpoint to skip dinner because if you’re going to miss dinner with your family and friends every

45:58single day you’re not going to be very happy so it’s a balance there so in

46:03terms of the optimal schedule there’s a bit of a disconnect between you know

46:10it’s better to skip dinner than to skip breakfast um the other thing is how long

46:15you should fast for and for that there’s actually no optimal duration so if you

46:20look at sort of the standard eating patterns of of Americans in the 1970s

46:27um on average it was sort of uh you eat breakfast at 8:00 a.m. and eat dinner at

46:326:00 p.m. and you don’t eat after dinner so you had actually 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. which is a 14 hour period of

46:39fasting so 14 hours is what most sort of North Americans did every single day

46:45without even thinking about it okay so if you want to lose weight now if you look at the average today in North

46:52America it’s actually the eating duration is about 14 hours and minutes which means if you started at 88: a.m.

47:00you wouldn’t stop eating until 10:45 p.m. every single day on average so

47:06you’re basically eating the entire day and um you know you see this reflected

47:12in Norms like people will eat in the you know in the car they’ll eat in front of the TV they’ll eat at their computer

47:19they’ll eat everywhere whereas before it was not acceptable to eat in your car

47:24and eat you know in front of the TV eat at work like if you went to work in the 70s and you ate at your desk people say

47:31what are you doing like you don’t eat at your desk you do work at your desk you want to eat you go have your lunch so um

47:38that you know what period of time she so 14 hours is sort of uh but a lot of people should be doing every single day

47:44and that’s how they maintain their weight without really even thinking about remember they’re eating white bread and jam and all kinds of uh

47:52processed foods too but they’re not eating all the time so if you want to lose weight you can go up to 16 hours 24

47:58hours so those are the two most popular regimens because the 16h hour fast actually fits into your work day very

48:04easily so if you eat if you skip breakfast generally nobody cares right if you then go to lunch and dinner and

48:12don’t eat after dinner well then you can fit that in almost every day without even thinking about it if you uh if you

48:19go to a 24-hour the next most popular sort of a 24-hour schedule which is a one meal a day sort of schedule again

48:25you skip breakfast nobody cares you skip lunch a lot of people don’t care anymore and you have dinner once a day not every

48:32day maybe three times a week four times a week the longer it is the less uh the less times you generally have to do it

48:38so those are the two most popular schedules but you can do any schedule you want you can do 20 hours you can do

48:43two days you can do three days you can do four days remember the longer ones tend to shift your metabolism into fat

48:50burning mode because that’s all that’s available to you and the other thing is hunger tends to drift down as you go

48:55into the longer f so having done a few of them myself I’ll tell you that the hunger the physical

49:01hunger actually is quite remarkable it goes down quite a bit actually but the

49:06psychological hunger is what you have to watch which is you know when you’re constantly seeing food around you that

49:12is you’re walking oh there’s McDonald’s oh there’s Donuts it’s like it’s the hey

49:18that would be really tasty not the actual physical hunger the physical hunger actually in a lot of cases and we

49:24hear this all the time is actually very low but when you’re constantly tempted to oh you watch TV oh there’s a there’s

49:31an ad for for food right it’s it’s it’s that that’s the real problem so there’s no best schedule it’s really whatever

49:37works best for you and it’s always a balance between uh what is easy and what is best I mean what is best is eating

49:44early and fasting late but the opposite is true for most people and uh a really popular question

49:51that’s coming up kind of what actually can we take during fasting I mean like for example can we take tea and coffee I

49:59like to drink like lemon water is that breaking it fast already that’s a great question and again the the um so water

50:07is fine teas are fine um green tea is very good um so those are those have no

50:14calories and they don’t increase insulin so they’re not going to affect the fat remember the point of black black coffee

50:21is okay black coffee is okay as well um some people actually quite like those because black coffee and green tea tea

50:27have some some stuff so the caffeine increases your metabolic rate and the other thing is that the um they have

50:34certain compounds that may actually inhibit lipolysis as well so sorry

50:39inhibit like a Genesis so coffee tea water those are fine and those are all sort of uh classic sort of fasts then

50:46you have uh sort of things that do have calories so coffee with cream for example you do want to avoid sugar and

50:52stuff but coffee with cream sometimes coffee with butter um uh sometimes bone broth right those are actual Foods

50:59because they have calories in them and people always worry about that because it’s like oh I broke my fast remember

51:05the point of fasting is to get your insulin down as you get your insulin down your body’s going to shift over and burn stor calories so yes if you’re uh

51:13you know your insulin’s going down down down down down and then you take a little bit of coffee with cream it’s going to blip up but it’s so small that

51:20in you know 15 minutes it’s going to start going down again so it’s not like you you know if you do it 16 hour fast

51:27they have a coffee with cream that it’s not like oh wow everything’s back to zero right it’s like you’re going to

51:34have a 15 minute break and then it’s going to keep going down if you have a full meal of course then that completely

51:39shifts your insulin goes way back up you’re going to start storing calories right the small amount that you get in

51:45the coffee with cream you know uh bone broth it’s not going to be major you’re going to have a little sort of hold it

51:51and then keep going down so those are completely fine and you mentioned sugar is like a no when you’re fasting like

51:58someone’s asking about coffee with honey is that really going to like break things again if you put a small amount

52:04it’s not going to really I generally ask people avoid sugar and sweeteners and

52:09stuff anyway because again they tend to stimulate the appetite um so uh again

52:15you’re trying to make it easy on yourself by by reducing appetite and I see it but some people say cinnamon

52:22cinnamon is actually excellent because it doesn’t necessarily stimulate it it may actually suppress it a little but

52:28the uh the point is that if you take something sweet it’s basically an appetizer so if you’re going to make

52:34yourself start thinking about food you’re going to salivate you’re going to

52:39increase your hunger and therefore you’re going to make that fasting a lot harder the calories itself is not going

52:45to be a major issue and that’s the same with the sweeteners there’s a reason why sweeteners are not that effective in

52:50terms of weight loss overall so it sounds like a great idea right if you have an artificial non-caloric sweetener

52:56whether it’s aspartame or monk fruit or Stevia it sounds like a great idea right

53:02replace the sugar which has say 100 calories with something with zero calories well in reality it doesn’t work

53:08I mean how many people have ever said to you well I just got off my diet soda lost 50 pounds like zero people have say

53:15that to me right in fact it’s usually the opposite it’s people who say oh I got off the diet sodas I drinking 20

53:20cans a day got off of that I’m totally fine so some people you handle that fine but for some people again it’s the same

53:27thing you’re making yourself want to eat and that’s going to negate any benefit

53:33from not having those 100 calories of sugar and almost every study of sweeteners versus sugar they come about

53:40the same right it’s there’s no difference so therefore um taking the

53:45sugar is not the calories are not going to be a problem right but but but it’s the it’s the stimulation of your

53:52appetite uh that is going to be problem you start taking sweet stuff even if it’s artificially sweetened all of a

53:59sudden you want to eat because you’re you’re priming your body to say hey food is coming food is coming there’s this

54:05sweetness I can feel it food is coming and then you’re anticipating food I mean it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s terrible to be

54:13stimulating getting your body ready to eat and not feeding it right if you do that three four five times a day pretty

54:19soon you break down and eat okay um so another question um is

54:24about actually when you’re actually feasting I I’ve heard that some people say since you’re already Tim restricted

54:31you can eat as much as you want to is that like really true let’s say you do

54:36one meal a day yeah can you just do like 2,000 calories in that one meal or is

54:42that can be a problem I mean that’s going to be yeah because remember both are important the number of calories you

54:48take and the hormones so if you simply the point of fasting is to allow your

54:55body to take those calories from body fat so say you eat you know 500 calories

55:00at breakfast 500 at lunch thousand at dinner now you skip breakfast or you’re down 500 calories but you simply take a

55:07thousand at lunch and a thousand at dinner well that’s not really that effective right because what you’re

55:12trying to do is is drop the 500 calories that you took from breakfast take the 500 calories from your fat stores and

55:20burn that that’s how you lose body fat you can try to do that um and the reason

55:26it’s effective is that it’s harder to cram all your meals into a single meal

55:32right it’s it’s harder not impossible but harder to take all those calories so

55:37if you look at sort of studies of of Tim restricted eating when they restrict the time of eating in general the number of

55:45calories also goes down and you can’t separate one from the other like if you

55:51fast for a week which is possible can you eat sort of 14 ,000 calories in a

55:57single meal it’s almost impossible to do that I mean there’s all kinds of satiety hormones that stop you from doing that

56:04so it you know when they say Okay restrict the time then you’re going to G

56:11do two things one is in general lower the amount of calories that you take overall and two give yourself the the

56:18fasting period to burn fat if you take away one of those big advantages it’s

56:23going to be way less effective in terms of weight loss and that’s the mistake a lot of studies did they they thought

56:29there was just something magical about fasting there’s nothing magical but it is a way to eat few calories without the

56:36deprivation remember that if you are used you know remember the the graph of

56:41gellin those spikes of hunger at breakfast lunch and dinner so it’s clearly habit if you get in the habit of

56:47not eating breakfast for example pretty soon that gillin doesn’t go up at breakfast time like I haven’t eaten

56:53breakfast for quite a while I’m just not in the the habit of it so I don’t but it’s not hard for me because I’m not

56:59hungry I’ve just made it a habit and the Habit doesn’t require willpower so

57:05therefore it’s it’s it’s a lot better for you to do that but don’t the biggest mistake I I actually think is to cram

57:12try and cram all your calories into that single meal that’s not the point after you do the fast you need to forget like

57:19you ever did the fast right you need to eat as normally as possible because remember allow your body to burn the

57:27body fast um another question I have relates to kind of sleep and how it you

57:33know the the the influence with with interaction with um insulin how does that kind of play because I’ve heard

57:39that you know sleep is so important as well yeah sleep is important and the interesting part and it can affect sleep

57:45in some people um but not in the way that most people think it’s usually um people sometimes have so much energy

57:52because their body is get getting flooded with all this energy that they can’t sleep they actually say I they

57:58just can’t sleep they just have too much energy so sometimes it gets affected in which case you have to adjust that to to

58:05do it most of the time if you simply adjust your sleeping patterns it will it will go away um but some people have

58:12found that that problem so it’s usually it’s not that they can’t sleep or it’s not that they their sleep is disrupted

58:19it’s just that they have a lot of energy because that’s what you’re telling your body to do remember during fasting your body actually activates itself it

58:25doesn’t shut itself down so you think about The Hungry Wolf a wolf who is hungry is very dangerous not because

58:30it’s going to fall down and you know has no energy it’s zoned in and concentrated because of the hormone same thing with

58:36our body when we fast we actually are being activated and sometimes that reflects itself and not being able to

58:42sleep last question with regards to kind of the food industry I’m just wondering

58:47if you know whether you’ve studied like the history of this and whether some of our eating patterns is really because

58:53the food industry is pushing all the snacks snacking every day and it’s kind of affecting the scientific Community as

59:00well that you know doesn’t want us not to eat and buy food really um I think

59:05there’s a lot of Truth to that so there was a whole documentary series by the BBC a few years ago talking about I

59:11think it was called The Men Who Made Us Fat it’s on YouTube probably uh is very interesting because they talked about

59:17how after World War II the food industry was looking for ways to increase profits

59:24and you can only increase your profits so much by um you know trying to beat out your competitors for breakfast lunch

59:30and dinner so what they did was they introduced the snack because that’s an extra period of time where you can

59:36actually sell people food and um it’s it

59:42it also is generally processed food because people don’t want to cook a full meal so it was it was you know by

59:50introducing that period of that extra snacking period it was enormously

59:56important for corporate profits and therefore they really promoted that and

1:00:02unfortunately what happens is that it gets taken a little far sometimes

1:00:07because then they start sponsoring studies on stuff so a lot of nutrition departments are funded by these big

1:00:15companies you see this there’s conflicts of interest everywhere so you have food

1:00:20companies so in the dietary guidelines for Americans for example you have I think 90% of the people have conflicts

1:00:27of interest it’s actually a ridiculous situation if you have um you know a

1:00:32study which is uh done by say Coca-Cola so it says and it says sugar is good for

1:00:38you then you say well it’s done by Coke so obviously I’m not going to believe it right so why I don’t know why we allow

1:00:47Official Guidelines to be created by people who have conflicts of interest

1:00:53that and it’s the same for The Who and all that like all the so-called

1:00:58experts are are conflicted like almost every single one of those people who

1:01:05writes guidelines whether it’s for um diet whether it’s for you know

1:01:10management of heart disease management of diabetes almost every single one of those doctors has a conflict of interest

1:01:17and they say well it’s because we’re getting the Top Doctors it’s like I don’t care if it’s a talk doctor if they

1:01:22have a conflict of interest then we cannot trust R what they say because we know and and again there’s lots of

1:01:29science studies on this that if you’re being paid by a certain company you’re going to find results that are favorable

1:01:36to that company so is it really too much to ask that our guidelines be written

1:01:42100% by people with zero conflicts of interest like I don’t think it’s too much to ask so you know that that way we

1:01:50avoid the um sort of you know what happens is that you have this this

1:01:56doctor who’s being paid by the food industry who now thinks that processed

1:02:02foods and snacks and stuff are perfectly fine and snacking is perfectly fine if

1:02:08he’s taking millions of dollars from a snack food company we simply can’t trust his opinion he’s probably or she is

1:02:14probably a good person and thinks they’re doing the right thing but you don’t know if that has been biased by

1:02:19the money that they receive so I’d prefer not to so yes I think that there is a huge amount of bias in this but

1:02:27unfortunately until until people sort of change the you know change the process

1:02:35by which we produce these guidelines it won’t it won’t uh change and that’s maybe one of the reasons fasting really

1:02:42until I started talking about it in 2014 was considered almost the worst thing you could do for your body is to not eat

1:02:50even if you’re like 500 pounds it was so ridiculous because people were saying oh to lose weight you need to eat

1:02:56constantly and I’m like how do you think that works it’s actually completely

1:03:03impossible to lose weight as you eat you actually have to not eat to lose weight

1:03:09that’s just pure physiology and pure common sense like anybody can understand that yet if you talk to doctors and

1:03:16dietitians and everybody they think you must eat constantly to lose weight it’s like oh you must jump in the bathtub to

1:03:23get dry doesn’t make any sense right but people kept repeating it and then all of a sudden it became the truth yeah I

1:03:29think we really underestimate um kind of how the how the industry really kind of subtly influences like papers and

1:03:36evidence and you know sometimes you may not even see it uh so obvious but there are background influences there as well

1:03:44in terms of who are who are writing the papers and looking at things like that um uh another quick question about

1:03:50reversal of diabetes uh people are interested to hear you say that um can you just expl a a little bit about how

1:03:56that that that relationship oh absolutely so type two diabetes is very

1:04:01simply the body has too much sugar so if you have too much sugar it’s going to spill out into the blood and as it

1:04:08spills out in the blood the blood sugar goes High you get diagnosed with type two diabetes so if you simply take

1:04:13insulin it simply takes that blood sugar and forces it back into the body the minute you don’t take that insulin the

1:04:20sugar comes back out of the body into your blood so you haven’t done anything good you’ve basically hidden the excess

1:04:25away just like putting garbage under the sink still smells but you can’t see it

1:04:31that’s about it if you do fasting what you do is you allow your body to burn that sugar for glucose the glucose for

1:04:38energy if you burn off that glucose you have less because your your stores are going to get depleted as you deplete

1:04:44them you’ll lose weight as you lose weight your type two diabetes essentially goes

1:04:49away it it’s it’s not very difficult to understand in fact lots of people have

1:04:55done this and uh again you have to understand that what we have here is millions and

1:05:02millions of people with type two diabetes and which is leading to heart disease cancers and all these other bad

1:05:08diseases and yet at the same time it’s a completely treatable reversible

1:05:14condition and the treatment is completely free and has been used for thousands of years so the question is

1:05:22why aren’t we doing it it’s actually our duty to tell people that they can and

1:05:29that’s one of the things that we’ve been working on so I work on it all the time trying to get that message out there in

1:05:35fact again until about when I until I started writing about it and a few years ago everybody said on the website type

1:05:42two diabetes chronic and Progressive now they’ve actually changed it too and in 2021 the American Diabetes Association

1:05:48has criteria for remission which admits that remission is a possibility which was not the case they didn’t say that

1:05:55until about last year right because I just pointed out it’s a completely

1:06:01ridiculous situation where people are saying it’s chronic and Progressive yet every single doctor knew that it was

1:06:07reversible because some patients had lost weight and the revers their di type two diabetes it’s a huge public health

1:06:14issue it’s a massive one great um I just want to just uh I I just saw a note in

1:06:20the chat about you know whether we can drink water during fast I just want to be really clear that we are we should be

1:06:27drinking water throughout it doesn’t matter whether you’re fasting or feasting so please uh don’t stop

1:06:33drinking water um but you know as as Dr fun said you know you can have coffee and tea as well water um you know and

1:06:41and if you want to put a little bit of other things is really kind of up to you um you know so so just adjust

1:06:47accordingly um but one important question is really who should not do intermittent fasting there are kind of a

1:06:53group of people that should be really careful about this like pregnant women or things like that yeah so pregnancy

1:06:59breastfeeding if you’re underweight or malnourished and uh if you’re a child of course and again it’s it’s all a matter

1:07:06I I say they shouldn’t do extended fasting so clearly everybody is supposed to be fasting right that’s the word

1:07:13breakfast break fast so 12 hours 14 hours everybody can do but once you

1:07:19start getting into situations where nutrition is very important pregnancy breastfeeding you know growing children

1:07:25children then you really don’t want to be doing extended fast like multiple day fast and you know long fast like that

1:07:33and again if you look at religion it’s the same you know there are always religious fasts but they always exclude

1:07:39certain people so yeah if you’re underweight you shouldn’t you should be eating right that’s just the way it is

1:07:44and and again just remember that fasting is a tool right so it can hurt people if use incorrectly so just make sure in the

1:07:52case that I mostly deal with which is overweight then you don’t have to worry so much yeah okay and then for children someone

1:07:58was asking that I mean you know obviously I think just the regular per is fine there’s no real need to um do

1:08:05anything too special I would say the children yes exactly so if you don’t eat after dinner if you do a 14h hour fast

1:08:11and again remember in the 70s if you’re a naughty boy you went to bed without dinner so you fasted from lunch until

1:08:18breakfast the next day a 20h hour fast again literally millions of children you know fast the 20 hours of 20 hopefully

1:08:26learned their lesson but nothing bad happened so it can be done


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