Hi everyone! Thanks for your patience while I re-create all the content for this website. Our server had a severe malware attack which resulted in all our website data being completely deleted. It will take considerable time and effort to re-create the original content and then continue the journey forward. But I will put the time and effort into this project because I really believe in the project. The focus of this website to help people find access to cutting edge truthful and helpful information about health and wellness as explained by expert scientists, medical doctors, professors, nutritionists, and other health professionals. I studied Nutritional Sciences because I passionately believed what a person eats can have a profound impact on their health and longevity. The more I learn about and experience the benefits of nutrition, the more passionate I feel about freely sharing helpful information. It makes such a difference. I hope you will find helpful information here that will make my effort worthwhile.
Posted inNutrition Guy
Welcome Back
You can call me the "nutrition guy"... I'm a Nutritional Sciences major. I believe what you eat can alter the trajectory of your health and longevity. Regardless of your actual age in years, the age of your health can vary significantly based on what and how you eat. Don't take my word for it... I'm organizing this website with wisdom from leading scientists and health professionals to put their knowledge at your fingertips. Apply the good things you learn here and enjoy the benefits of better health and wellness.