Dr Jason Fung’s BRUTALLY Honest Opinion On OZEMPIC!

Ozempic - the diabetes and weight loss medication taking Hollywood by storm

Dr Jason Fung

Dr. Jason Fung, The Fasting Doctor, reveals the truth about the diabetes medication (Ozempic) taking Hollywood by storm for its weight loss benefits.

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• Exercise Doesn’t Make You Lose Weight…

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0:00I’ve got to talk to you about these um

0:01these new injections people are getting

0:03to lose weight yeah and the role that

0:05they must be playing in our hormone

0:06balances what are those bloody things

0:08called the gp1s gp1s there’s another

0:10name for it isn’t there yeah uh well

0:12it’s there’s the drug name which is uh

0:15OIC is the American name and these are

0:18all in a class called gp1s and

0:22essentially again very interesting

0:24because they

0:26essentially really reduce the appetite

0:30which goes to show you that and people

0:32lose weight like a lot of weight and

0:34they keep it off so I people that are

0:36using them yeah like a billionaire

0:38friend of mine that’s very big in a

0:41certain industry uses a Zen pick I know

0:44Elon Musk came out and said he said he

0:46used it yeah asmic as well um I don’t

0:50I’m not I I I don’t have any problem

0:52with the OIC because again if you think

0:54about it what it’s telling you the the

0:57lesson it’s teaching you about weight

0:59loss is that it’s not about controlling

1:01the calories because the Olympic doesn’t

1:04burn any calories it’s about controlling

1:06your hunger it’s about that one level

1:09deeper why are you taking so many

1:11calories so if you simply reduce the

1:13hunger you’re going to naturally eat

1:16fewer calories which is going to cause

1:18weight loss and that’s what this OIC

1:20does it really reduces your appetite to

1:22very low levels how it it’s it’s it’s

1:26this this hormone called glp1 uh which

1:29is a natural sort of hormone it’s it’s

1:31released mostly in the intestines in the

1:33distal intestine and the small intestine

1:36and in response to certain foods it it

1:38goes up right so when you eat the body

1:41has a homeostatic mechanism so again

1:44remember you know people think that

1:46we’re just eating machines we eat until

1:48you know we explode sort of thing but

1:49that’s not true when you eat you

1:52actually activate the

1:54gp1 along with other hormones there’s

1:56multiple hormonal systems the gp1 is the

1:58one we’re interested in you activate gp1

2:01which then sets into motion the the the

2:04instructions for you to stop eating

2:06right so the act of eating sort of sets

2:09in motion that whole uh feedback loop to

2:12stop right so this is homeostasis which

2:13is trying to keep things at a proper

2:15level does that mean if you eat slower

2:18uh you’ll be less you’ll eat

2:20less there’s probably not more time to

2:23come out yeah probably it’s true um you

2:26know although it’s probably mostly true

2:28that if you eat really really fast that

2:31you don’t have enough time for the sort

2:32of homeostatic mechanisms to kick in so

2:35you don’t have enough time to stop

2:37eating um but the gp1s then go to the

2:40brain so they do certain things they

2:42help with digestion so they increase

2:44insulin response and then they go to the

2:46brain it crosses um the the the bloodb

2:49brain barrier so the gp1s gets released

2:53by the active eating goes into the brain

2:56crosses and is active um in the sort of

2:59midbrain brain area that tells your body

3:01to stop eating what these gp1s do of

3:04course is that it’s a uh it it gives you

3:07the hormone that tells you to stop

3:09eating even though you haven’t eaten

3:11it’s sort of that’s that’s the way the

3:13drug works so then what people tell you

3:15is that you know they’re just not hungry

3:17and if they’re not hungry then they

3:19don’t eat and when they don’t eat of

3:20course insulin Falls and you start to

3:22burn calories and lose weight but it

3:25wasn’t about controlling the calories it

3:28was about controlling the hunger that

3:31was the important part of it it’s the

3:33hormones right every successful drug to

3:36gain or lose weight right is a hormone

3:40it’s a hormone based because that’s

3:41instructions to the body food is energy

3:44and food is instructions you change the

3:47instructions and you you change the

3:48hormone people look at this through an

3:50evolutionary lens and say you know we

3:52just didn’t have this much food so it’s

3:53the abundance and um ease of access to

3:57food it’s the fridges that we now have

3:59it’s the the you know we never had

4:00fridges in our home so people point at

4:02it and go well that’s why people are

4:04getting gaining weight and you know

4:07we’re suffering with obesity at epidemic

4:08levels it’s just because there’s more

4:10Supply and the brain is taking advantage

4:13of it because once upon a time if we

4:15didn’t eat that jam and toast then we

4:18would have you know maybe not have been

4:20able to find food for another two weeks

4:22or something yeah I don’t think that’s

4:24the whole story because if you think

4:26about it uh and people again um make

4:30that assumption that we don’t have any

4:32control over our body fatness right so

4:36they say well it’s available so you’re

4:37going to take it right in fact that’s

4:40not true because we actually have a

4:43number of different uh hormones that

4:46tell us to stop eating okay so if you

4:50eat you cannot simply keep eating and

4:52eating and eating right if you go to an

4:54all you can eat buffet at some point you

4:56have to stop because you’re full right

4:59so there are systems very powerful

5:02systems within our body that tell us to

5:04stop eating so you eat food there are uh

5:08stomach stretch receptors for example so

5:10as your stomach stretches out it sends a

5:12signal to your brain and says stop

5:14eating if you eat a lot of protein uh it

5:18activates a hormone called peptide YY

5:20which tells you to stop eating if you

5:22eat a lot of dietary fat you activate a

5:25hormone called chosy ainin which again

5:28tells you to stop eating these are very

5:30powerful if you look in the wild there

5:32are no obese Antelope there are no obese

5:34Lions why because how much body fat your

5:38you carry is actually very important if

5:42you are obese as an antelope you’re

5:43going to get eaten if you are an obese

5:45lion you’re not going to catch any food

5:47so therefore it’s going to correct

5:48itself so if I overeat now my body will

5:51basically overcompensate by burning off

5:54the extra calories to it it absolutely

5:56so if you eat a huge meal right you eat

6:00you know you go to a big wedding or

6:01something like that you eat a huge meal

6:03the next day you’re probably not that

6:05hungry if you eat a giant steak so

6:08you’re activating all these satiety

6:10hormones peptide y y chosy ainin you’re

6:12eating all this food well you may not be

6:15hungry for the next day so that means

6:18that my body has some kind of Baseline

6:21weight yeah it will know whether you

6:24should eat more or less so there’s a

6:27this concept called the sort of body set

6:30weight which is a sort of thermometer

6:33that is your body sets a weight that you

6:35should be at and if you go above that

6:38weight or if you eat too much it will

6:41activate hormonal systems to bring it

6:43back down if you don’t eat enough it

6:45will also activate hormonal systems to

6:47bring it up so it’s like a thermostat

6:50that you set you have in your room for

6:52example you set the the room temperature

6:54if it’s too hot you’re the the room

6:57activates the air conditioning if it’s

6:59too cold it activates the heat your body

7:01actually acts the same way if you gain

7:03too much body fat your fat cells for

7:07example will produce leptin which is

7:09another hormone the leptin tells your

7:11body to stop eating that’s really

7:13interesting so in the case of obese

7:15people their set point must just be

7:17really high yes and that’s the Crux of

7:19the matter why is that set point being

7:22overridden just like if you have a room

7:24that’s too hot and you look and you say

7:26the thermometer is set for room

7:28temperature why is it so hot in here

7:31then you can say okay well what’s the

7:33problem and the problem is not you know

7:34heat in versus Heat out right that’s

7:36that’s a very simplistic way same thing

7:39if your body has too much body fat you

7:41got to then think about why are you

7:44overcoming the normal compensatory

7:47mechanisms that are happening that are

7:50stopping you from eating a lot of it

7:52relates to processing of foods of course

7:55so if you take out so remember I talked

7:57about stretch receptors in the stomach

8:00right so you eat natural natural foods

8:03there’s a natural break it stretches the

8:05stomach you stop eating well what’s one

8:08way pull out all the fiber process the

8:11foods turn it into say a very fine dust

8:14that means it’s absorbed extremely

8:16quickly into the blood stream so that

8:19means that pure you’ve got Pure

8:20carbohydrate basically mainlining it

8:23into your I like like an IV your glucose

8:27spikes way up your insulin spikes way up

8:29completely unnatural right if you eat

8:32pure carbohydrate instead of eating it

8:34with you know proteins and fats it’s

8:36going to go it’s going to shoot way high

8:38that’s unnatural and that’s going to

8:40overcome the

8:42natural tendencies for you to stop

8:45eating so you know you you’ve basically

8:47overcome that that that that protective

8:50mechanism because you’ve ultr processed

8:52the the carbohydrates if you don’t eat

8:55any protein if you don’t eat any fat

8:57you’re not activating peptide y y which

8:59is the satiety hormone you’re not

9:01activated kyin all of a sudden you’re

9:04eating you know 500 calories of white

9:07bread but you have zero satiety or if

9:10you drink a Coca-Cola or a soda for

9:12example I’ve always you know thought

9:15about this it’s like how can you take a

9:16th000 calories for example in one of

9:19those giant sodas you get at the ball

9:21game or something and don’t feel full at

9:24all whereas if you took a steak that’s

9:271,000 calories you’d be like I’m pretty

9:29full I don’t really feel like eating you

9:31drink the soda you’re like I really feel

9:33like eating some chips or popcorn or

9:36something why because it has zero

9:39satiety interesting so if I’m if I’ve

9:41got a baseball stadium what I want to do

9:44is I want to make sure people get a soda

9:47because then they’ll also buy the chips

9:50but if they just eat the chips you know

9:52maybe they won’t buy anything else but

9:53the soda is going to um increase my

9:57Revenue because it’ll basically he just

9:59passed right through them he’ll pass

10:00right through them they’re going to

10:01store all that energy as calories but

10:04they’re going to want more because you

10:05haven’t made them full right so the the

10:08whole point is that you have to think

10:10more than about the calories there’s

10:12more there than just the calorie story

10:14there’s this whole hormonal balance

10:16you’re saying that overeating isn’t just

10:17a choice it’s a hormon driven Behavior

10:19it’s a hormon driven Behavior I mean the

10:21whole thing about obesity is is quite

10:23interesting to me because if you think

10:25about obesity if you think about uh in

10:28the United states which is where I get a

10:30lot of my data from um you know you have

10:33maybe 70% of people overweight or obese

10:36and it’s going up every year it’s been

10:37going up every year since

10:391977 and if you think about that it

10:42tells you that the problem is not

10:45willpower the problem is not the people

10:48the problem is the environment that they

10:49find themselves in the food environment

10:51that they find themselves in because you

10:53can take an analogy say you have hundred

10:56children one of them fails well that

10:57might be the child they didn’t study

10:59what if 70 of them fail would you say

11:02it’s it’s each and every one of them’s

11:05fault or would you say it’s more likely

11:07that it’s the teacher’s fault I think

11:09it’s more likely that it’s the teacher’s

11:11fault so if we have a 100 Americans and

11:1370 of them are obese the problem is

11:16likely not an individual willpower

11:19problem the problem is likely that

11:22there’s something wrong with the message

11:24we’re giving people the information

11:25we’re giving people and the food

11:27environment that we’re finding ourselves

11:29in which is dominated by this sort of

11:31calories in calories out thinking and

11:34what’s really unfair of course is that

11:36we put the

11:37blame on the Obesity or overweight on

11:41the individual and we say well they let

11:44themselves go and they didn’t watch

11:45themselves they weren’t careful it’s

11:47their fault and that’s the stigma that

11:49comes with this whole calories in

11:51calories out thinking because we say

11:52it’s their fault because they could

11:54choose what they eat it’s like yes they

11:56could choose what they eat but they

11:58didn’t choose the food environment that

12:00is telling them to eat all this ultr

12:02processed food that is making all this

12:03ultr processed food available to them

12:05that is telling them that all this Ultra

12:07processed food is good for you if you

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