The Truth About Fat Storage & Ketones

Dr. Benjamin Bikman answers questions about why we get fat and how to increase metabolic rate to burn fat

Dr. Ben Bikman Answers

Dr. Ben Bikman

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Dr. Ben Bikman responds to a question about fat storage and ketone production in the absence of insulin.

Ben explains that when insulin levels are low, the body cannot store fat and instead increases its metabolic rate, leading to fat being burned. Dr. Bikman highlights that low insulin promotes ketone production, and these ketones are eventually excreted through breath and urine, effectively eliminating calories.

Dr. Bikman points out the limitations in weight loss research, emphasizing the need to study hypercaloric diets to better understand fat gain mechanisms.

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#InsulinResistance #DrBenBikman #FatBurning #Ketones #LowInsulin #MetabolicHealth #Ketosis #InsulinIQ #LowCarbLiving #WeightLossScience #FatStorage #BurnFat #MetabolicRate #CaloriesVsInsulin #KetoneProduction #LowCarbDiet #ObesityResearch #InsulinAndFat #HealthScience #FatLoss


0:00Sherry in the absence of insulin or low

0:02insulin and not type 1 diabetes and you

0:05eat more fat than the body needs will

0:08the body store this excess as fat or

0:10burn as ketones Sherry I like that

0:13question and I appreciate it um one of

0:15the things that has frustrated me with

0:17regards to biomedical literature that

0:20has studied weight loss is that it’s

0:21always in fact studied weight loss this

0:24results in people not knowing is it

0:27calories or

0:28insulin because if you cut calories you

0:32take an individual who’s eating a

0:33standard American diet and then you put

0:35them on a low calorie diet they actually

0:38are eating less carbs than they were

0:40before as well we commonly think that

0:43all of a sudden they’re just eating less

0:44fat no they’re eating less of everything

0:46guess what happens to insulin when

0:48you’re eating less of everything insulin

0:50goes down so there is this unavoidable

0:53enormous confounding variable that

0:56prevents solid conclusions from any

0:58study that has ever tempted to tease out

1:01the caloric versus insulin view of

1:03obesity now why do I say that it’s

1:06because you’re touching on the other end

1:07which I appreciate I think to truly

1:10answer and understand the question of

1:11why we get fat we need to try to make

1:14people fat we need rather than doing low

1:17calorie studies that compare uh low fat

1:21to low carb or the caloric view or the

1:23low insulin view we need to try to make

1:26them fat and see which of these two

1:28diets a high hyper chloric lowfat diet

1:32or a hyper chloric low carb diet which

1:34can result in the least amount of fat

1:37gain this has been done and published

1:39but only in an n one single study and it

1:42was a clinical case of one single

1:45individual and so we are limited in what

1:48we can do so to answer the question now

1:50with all of this if insulin is low it is

1:52impossible to store fat it simply cannot

1:55work and thus um the body Burns it uh

1:59and it does so through um two primary

2:02mechanisms one it increases its

2:04metabolic rate this is very well

2:06established and we’ve known this for

2:08about a hundred years if insulin is low

2:10or absent metabolic rate is much much

2:12higher even more recently David lwig has

2:14found this and non-diabetics give people

2:17two different meals that are the same in

2:19calorie number but differ in the fat to

2:21carb ratio the lower the carbs of course

2:24the lower the insulin and the higher the

2:27metabolic rate so you have an increased

2:30metabolic rate allowing the body to get

2:33rid of what it cannot store but at the

2:35same time as you’re burning more fat

2:38because insulin is down you’re making

2:40more ketones because there’s nothing to

2:41turn ketogenesis off or there’s less

2:45ability to turn it off because insulin

2:46turns it off and when ketones are high

2:49ketones have a caloric value and when

2:52you’re making ketones you start

2:54eliminating Ketone so every Ketone

2:56that’s coming out in the breath every

2:58Ketone that’s being excreted in the

2:59urine those are calories that are just

3:02directly dumping from the

3:04body okay


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